Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by maiblomst Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:55 am
Important announcement!

We got a call from the bank, where we got confirmation that the money is now coming back, hopefully they will be in our account today or tomorrow.

Bank of America will take probably a fee of 42 dollars, and that we accept.

We have been in contact with Anna, but now takes up contact very carefully.
Has also been in contact with the police, they are contacting us to arrange an appointment in the police station to report the case and we will first listen what the police will say.

Keep up the good work all of you Scamwarners and my spesial thanks to Johann Meister! :=) :mwave:

Mugu is now very angry! Mugu? No way! Once bitten twice shy! :P
But we will not bait him. We will just ignore every future contacts.

by maiblomst Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:31 am
Update! 25.08.2011

Somebody called today with a hidden number. He said he is the CEO of the China comp. and instructed us to resend the money we got back! He will be sending us a new account and instructed us to carefully follow the instructions so that we will not be making mistakes this time.
He will be sending us new account number. :laugh-s:
His accent is not Chinese :P
He is from muguland! :yikes:
Now, good people of Scamwarners, what will we do now? :idea:
by Johann Meister Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:10 pm
Ignore him/them. Just hang up. No arguments, no explanations :) but I know you know that. Hope your colleagues do, too.
The scammer is likely to try again under a different "company" otherwise, that´s why :)

Have you googled your chatter´s or "business partner´s" email yet? It might lead you to ScamWarners...
by Johann Meister Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:06 pm
I have seen some pictures showing a load of crates and guys working around handling the shipment. Stolen from the net and with photoshopped company name and receiver name on it. I could post them if absolutely necessary but I think the googleable scam info above is far more important. :)

Have you googled your chatter´s or "business partner´s" email yet? It might lead you to ScamWarners...
by maiblomst Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:42 am
Mr. Lin (of course a mugu :twisted: ) called today with a hidden number. We can't keep on ignoring hidden numbers because the police, real police we are in contact with also uses hidden numbers :(
Mr Lin said he will be sending us new account number. :lol:
Okay no problem something for account killer "A" to kill.
Mr Lin, Chinese? Niks! :bondage: Accent pure muguland! :yikes:
by maiblomst Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:43 am
Mugu still calls once in a while. :shakeitup:
Whenever we recognize it's the mugu, we just let him talk without any words back from us.
No mugu! I am not a maga! :laugh-s:

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