Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by desmondaire Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:12 pm
Hello everyone. I may have some good news about the scum bags....not great news though.... any ways, I contacted Western Union's fraud department and reported Delta Equity Group. I would advice all do this to put them on high alert. They are forwarding the information that I provided to the federal law enforcement. They also advice I report the claim to my attorney general as well as the local police for further investigation. If you want you money back, which i do... i would do as many procedures as possible for recovery. Thank you

by Bubbles Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:36 am
It is good that you are taking a proactive stance desmondaire . We have had members who went straight to Western Union after they sent money and were able to stop the transfer IF the money had not been picked up.

If you are dealing with a real company, they usually have some assets and the names of actual people you can find.

Scammers NEVER use their real name and they have no assets you can sue to attach to get your money back. Scammers are almost always in a country different from yours (jurisdiction) and do not use names you can actually trace. Getting your money back if a VERY rare thing. You have to be quicker than the scammer.

The police have to have a certain type of evidence and a person to accuse of the crime. All most victims have is an email address that is easily discarded and registered with false information. I don't want to dash your hopes to the ground. It is just a very rare occurrence for a victim to recover any money from a scammer.

It is important you are aware of what are known as Recovery Scams in which scammers state they can get your money back for you. All you need to do is send some more money. Please read here to learn how to spot one of these and keep yourself safe. viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3198

We are glad you are here. :D

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.
by wilmington5675 Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:45 am
They got me too guys. $900.00 plus the $68.00 Western Union fee. Said it would be sent back to me by today and I came across this website. I feel foolish and my wife and I knew in the back of our heads that this was shady. We were desperate though as both of our vehicles went down in a matter of 2 weeks and we needed a down payment. I sent mine to an Adriana Sanchez in Barcelona, Spain. Luckily I was able to come into a little bit of money to offset some of this, but $968.00 is a lot of money in this economy and I am being challenged to find a way out once again. This is a lesson learned and I am pretty good about researching these things. I even called the International Banking Commission in New York and they even said they were legit. The Better Business Bureau had no information on them but that is not unusual. They got me but I promise you this will never happen again. Following is the email:

Registration Date: 08/12/2011

Hello (My Name),

Congratulations on your approval. Please find the attached loan agreement for your review. Should you have any questions, please call me at the number below as replies to this email are forwarded to the customer service department making it difficult for me to filter through emails.

When returning the required documents to indicate acceptance of the offer, please contact me to verify receipt of the completed documents.

Warmest Regards,

Anderson Bennett
Senior Account Executive

1 Penn Plaza
New York, NY
T: 1-877-679-0003 ext. 329
F: 1-646-201-4458

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information transmitted in this email is intended for the recipient and may contain confidential information of Delta Equity Group or its affiliated organizations. Any unauthorized review, distribution, or use or the undertaking of any action in reliance on the information contained in this email or any attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have unintentionally received this message in error, please delete or destroy it, all attachments and any copies, and notify the sending party.

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