Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by indigoschild Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:26 am
Maybe we should all take the cks and just throw them away...or have them sent to an old address...this way they never get sent or cashed, messing up his biz all together.


My name is Donald Presley and am sorry for been incommunicado for a while i've been preoccupied with an ongoing project in Portsmouth.However,I have a paid Fashion job (contract),One of my clients wants to update her Catalog with her new release Fitness Fashion outfits and I'm interested in you for the shooting,I'm a model agent by profession with about 5 years experience.The event will take place on the 4th of september.Find all details for the job below..


The shooting will hold at a rented photographers studio in your location and different states,so you don't have to worry about travelling and accommodation logistics.However it will be provided by my client if neccessary.The name and address of the studio will be forward to you before the date of the shooting,all make up and costume will be taken care by an hired costumiers in the studio.You can come along with any body of your choice on the day of the shooting,your mum,dad,friend,body-guard anybody you wish to come with just for you to feel more comfortable.


You have 24 different Fashion outfits to cover,which would be provided by our client on the day of the shooting,you are to come with your own footwear,any hair color.


Jeans and Jackets
Dinner Wears
Panties and Bikini
skirt,shirt and suits


The total pay for the jobs is $2,000 for the total collections of clothing modeled,you might not model in all the collection and you will get an advance payment as security fee from our client as your confirmation security deposit

You need to have good and attractive poses .(start practicing) Basically this is all required of you,please get in touch with me if you will take the job and we can go from there.When am through with this job i will be recruiting from the list of model personals that will work on this first project for the next job which is a runway and product exhibition for a new product.Get back to me with your age and full comprehensive statistic and current location.If you are already have a signed contract with an agent notify me so legal step could be taken for your recruitment.Comprehensive detail will be sent to you once your booking has been confirmed for the event.Hear from you at your soonest convenience.


sent from Donald Presley [email protected]

by Ralph Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:46 am
Hi indigoschild,

Welcome to Scamwarners,

Some of the members of 419 Eater do remove fake cheques from circulation but they do it with all fake details after learning how to do it safely for both the scambaiter as well as members of the public.

There are many risks with engaing in communication with scammers for those who do not know how to stay safe, if this is something you are interested in, visit www.419eater.com and ask in the forums for some help in safe baiting.

Thank you for adding the information on this scammer, it may well prevent somebody else from being scammed.

If you have any questions please feeel free to ask
by AlanJones Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:51 pm
As Ralph says, visit 419Eater and learn how to bait safely and then join us wasting the scammer's time.

If you're interested in collecting cheques then we've currently got a competition going for who can collect the most cheques.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by laureng Sun Aug 30, 2009 2:09 pm
Underwater wrote:Regarding the threats of legal action - please don't let that scare you. They are nothing but scummy scammers probably sitting in some sweaty internet cafe in Lagos, Nigeria (or some other West African location). They will blast you with everything they can think of to try to get you to send that money over Western Union.

I did not show up for any of the scheduled photo shoots in July and August 2009, and I have not been sued yet, despite their threats of taking legal action. :mrgreen:
by The Enchantress Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:16 pm
I am happy at the outcome and wish you all the best in your career.

If you have any questions or concerns about any future offers, please post.

Also please spread the word with your contacts and fellow models.

Education and awarness is one way to stop these scammers causing pain and worry.

Good Luck laureng.

Photos - are scammers using yours? click here
Are you falling for a love scammer? click here
Never send money by Western Union/Moneygram.
Never give personal information.
Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
by Ken Gardner Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:19 pm
Someone printed some cheques with our company name, address and bank account on them. We are receiving phone calls from people all over North America who have received them. The names they are using are: Kevin Cooley, Wilson James and Jael Bobby. They say they are working for Diane Von Furstenberg.
by Ralph Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:44 pm
Hi Ken, welcome to Scamwarners,

I am sorry to hear that your companies name and bank details have been used in a scam.

I am not sure how we can best help but i would presume in your case it may be better to mention your company and add what your company does or more to the point, that you do not send cheques to models.

It may help you as well as potential victims to do so.

I am guessing your bank is already aware and has taken steps to prevent this? if not, let them know.

If you have any questions please ask
by Dotti Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:03 pm
Welcome Ken,

I'm sorry your company has to deal with all of the problems associated with this type of scam.

In addition to Ralph's suggestion, I have one other recommendation: If your company has a website, place a scam warning prominently on your site. You can either provide detail on the scam itself, or simply a link to the information.

It is not uncommon for victims who are slightly suspicious of a check received from a company to google the company name, and go to the company website, even if they don't check anything else out.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.

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