Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by lionness369 Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:12 pm
Pictures used by my scammer (Carlos Dominguez):




Added coding so the pictures display and hid the child somewhat - Ralph

by Diana Prince Mon Jan 25, 2010 2:01 pm
Ralph wrote:

To see all internet header lines of an email in AOL:

Open the desired email message.
Make sure it reads Sent from the Internet near the top.
Click Details next to that phrase.

I am USA-based and internet-naive.
I use AOL as my Internet Service Provider, so I can say, yes, that is exactly how it works.
You'll get a list of gobbledy-gook codes understandable only to folks more sophisticated than me;
however, you can enter that entire set of information into one of the de-coding websites
(I use "apelord") to verify where the sender of the email most likely is located.

Smooches to all the ScamWarners who've taught me about these matters,
and thanks to those who are helping lionness and others to recognize that they are being scammed
-- ideally before any serious emotional and/or financial damage is done! :=)
by lionness369 Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:06 pm
Hi Diana - Yes you can check headers on AOL, but only if the email is being sent from a non-aol email. For example, if I get an email from someone with a Yahoo account I could check their headers. But an aol email user to another aol user, there are no headers... it's a direct email within the network.

Something that AOL should CHANGE!!!

I did find this though:

From: [email protected]
Full-name: Cdomz66
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2009 20:38:55 EST
Subject: Re: Me
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="part1_ca2.5b52ba73.3820e3af_boundary"
X-Mailer: Thunderbird - Mac OS X sub 310
by Ralph Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:11 pm
I dont have a huge amount of time now so I wont analyse the chat just yet.

What I can tell you though is that X-mailer is a program that helps to send bulk email.

It is widely used by scammers as it is possible to send hundreds of emails at a time, manipulate your IP and spoof your from email address.

This is not proof of a scammer but it is another red flag.

I will see what I can do with those pictures next. :wink:

Just adding;
There are many versions of X-mailer, some are mostly used legitimately others are predominantly used by scammers, either way, having X -Mailer in the header does not guarantee that it is a scammer nor does it mean that it is not a scammer if X mailer does not appear in the header, it is however, another red flag.
by lionness369 Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:32 am
That's the frustrating thing about this. Although many red flags, nothing concrete. Perhaps he/she is new to the game and doesn't have enough history on the net to get caught, but I have faith one day he will. Just feel bad for the pics being used and the others I'm sure he is scamming.

As for me, I'm done with it!
by Ralph Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:41 am
This scammer is better than most at his trade, I am quite confident he is no amature.

There is a chance we may be able to find something in his early communication if you would like to post it
by lionness369 Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:17 am
Here is an email from 10/29/09 (about 2 months into relationship)... I'll try to find some earlier ones.

cdomz66: ok
User name: hi
cdomz66: where are you love? Home?
User name: Just got home babe
cdomz66: oh really? how was your day then? productive?
User name: You still working?
cdomz66: no i'm back at the hotel love, Jess is here playing her DS
User name: Yeah, yeah
cdomz66: so what did you do today?
User name: I told you. Worked and then ran errand.
cdomz66: have you got a webcam on ur laptop?
User name: No webcam babe
cdomz66: i do believe u of course, don't be silly
User name: yeah funny
cdomz66: hows nan baby?
User name: sick
cdomz66: i know sweetie, sorry....thought you said she was feeling a tad bit better?
User name: You know how hospitals are... you go in with one thing and come out with 10.
User name: We are trying to get her home asap
cdomz66: yeppers
cdomz66: why do you think i hate being in them
cdomz66: especially as i ain't got medical insurance
User name: What are you doing with no medical insurance? Ai ai ai
cdomz66: just because baby, i am barely in a particular place for too long, i travel all the time for work and rarely visit the hospital, so what do i need it for?
User name: Ok, you know best. But one never knows.
cdomz66: i love u
User name: You really really do?
cdomz66: nope
cdomz66: lol
cdomz66: of cos!
User name: haha that's better
User name: You're catching on... good.
cdomz66: hahahaha
cdomz66: yeppers
cdomz66: i have the best teacher EVER!!!
User name: hahaha
User name: How's your tummy babe? Still hurts?
cdomz66: a lil bit baby
User name: Are you eating?
User name: Maybe you need tumms or something?
cdomz66: not really eating love
User name: Ugh
User name: Don't get skinny on me.
cdomz66: will do baby.....dont worry love!!!!!!!!!
cdomz66: lol
cdomz66: not getting skinny on u babe
cdomz66: lol
User name: I hate being so far away.
cdomz66: i know love
cdomz66: so what you doing at home
cdomz66: i wish you had a webcam so i can see u
User name: Watching my Yankees
User name: I will have to invest in one I guess. You and all your gadgets are going to make me go broke. haha
cdomz66: hahahahaha
cdomz66: what gadgets....you don't wanna go deep into gadgets......lool
cdomz66: you have no clue the things i love
User name: So they have you guys in a hotel room. I would think they would give you an apartment or something
User name: What does Jess do all day?
cdomz66: no, i'm a freelance babe
cdomz66: i am paying for my stay here and all. the government isn't
User name: Oh so you don't have an employer?
cdomz66: i'll get the funds back when i get paid for the project
cdomz66: nope, used to work with Chevron, firstly shell......then i stopped working for them after my wife died and they were being insensitive
cdomz66: asking me to stop grieving and go on a project
User name: Wow.
cdomz66: yea, bastards
cdomz66: i figured i'm better off working for myself!
cdomz66: and after this project, i'm thinking of starting up a company....offering 3 services in the same field!!
User name: I still think this is so weird... how we both went on that site and here we are.
cdomz66: yea i know baby....there's always a reason for everything
User name: Did you think you were going to find a ME?
cdomz66: i hoped to baby
cdomz66: else i wouldn't have joined
User name: I honestly just went on for fun... it was a new application on the iphone.
cdomz66: is it?
User name: yes that's how I went on
cdomz66: kewwl
cdomz66: are there many applications on the new 3g s?
User name: 45,000 applications.
cdomz66: are they installed on the phone already or do they have to be bought seperately
cdomz66: ?
User name: separately through itunes... some are free.
cdomz66: do you play games baby?
User name: Frogger... hahaha
cdomz66: just frogger?
User name: Is this a trick question?
cdomz66: nope
User name: Ok
User name: Unfortunately don't have much time for games.
User name: I play alot of mind puzzle stuff.
cdomz66: sudoku?
User name: Haven't gotten hooked on that yet.
User name: Crosswords, spell it, things like that
User name: What else do you wanna know?
cdomz66: do you like the beach scene?
User name: love love love the beach
cdomz66: looool
User name: Love to travel. Think I've been to every island surrounding U.S.
cdomz66: dominican?
User name: Everywhere.
User name: Martinique, barbados, st. maarten, bahamas, aruba, jamaica, bermuda, the list goes on
User name: Mexico
cdomz66: hmmm....T&T?
User name: hahaha
User name: London, Portugal, Spain, Germany
cdomz66: trinidad n tobago
cdomz66: do you travel around as much as well?
User name: No T&T
cdomz66: i spent last Xmas in Napoli and Torino
cdomz66: with Jess
User name: Hate you
User name: Oh and I wanna go to Switzerland
cdomz66: hahaha
cdomz66: we could all go as a family though if you wanted
User name: How else would we go dopey? You do have a daughter. I get it. lol
User name: We could take mom to babysit. haha
User name: You're supposed to say, "whatever you want baby."
cdomz66: yea was about to...sorry but Jess wants to watch AMERICAN PIE
cdomz66: can u imagine? we're having a bit of a battle here
cdomz66: loooool
User name: haha that's xrated for her
cdomz66: i know!!!!!
cdomz66: please HELP ME mommy!!!
User name: lol, better you than me.
cdomz66: she needs u now!!!! or better still i do!
User name: Oh boy, and you want more kids. lmao
User name: Tell her that it's too grown up
User name: She could watch it when she turns 15. Shouldn't she be in bed?
cdomz66: yea but she came back late with Nanny
cdomz66: they were at hers
User name: Ah ok
User name: Tell her to watch ninja turtles. hahahaha
cdomz66: hahahahahaha
cdomz66: michelangelo, leornardo etc
cdomz66: hahahahaha
User name: Lmao
cdomz66: she just asked me if i still thought she was 7 and besides it was a boy thingy
cdomz66: looool
cdomz66: you think i should make her learn taekwando?
User name: hahaha
User name: Yes, I took Goshinru and loved it.
cdomz66: i swear i aint got a clue what that is
User name: Finally, you don't know something. lol
User name: A form of karate.
cdomz66: loool....i aint that much of an overall genius in all fields lovey
User name: I think once you settle, wherever it is, you need to have Jess in some activities so she could learn to socialize with kids her own age, etc. It's very important.
cdomz66: yea
cdomz66: i had issues with that hunny
cdomz66: i never had fruends
cdomz66: friends*
cdomz66: cos i was always traveling with dad
User name: really, that's sad.
User name: What did dad do?
User name: I have tons of friends and think it's very important to have good people in your life.
cdomz66: dad was a civil engineer with ABB
User name: You learn from them and it prepares you for college, work, networking, etc.
cdomz66: yea, i went to 7 high schools!!!
User name: OMG... wow. I went to one and still hang out with the friends I went to kindergarten with.
cdomz66: you're joking right?
User name: No babe... scouts honor.
User name: All of my friends I've known for over 10 years.
cdomz66: that's nice
User name: Yes, it is and I wouldn't be me if I didn't have them in my life.
User name: Does Jess wanna go to college?
cdomz66: yea she does
cdomz66: she wants to become a doctor
User name: wow great
cdomz66: or most likely go into medical research
User name: Why aren't you sleeping hun?
cdomz66: just cos baby...being here in synchrony with you is the best thing ever!
User name: awe, but I want you to rest and be healthy.
User name: Can't wait to go on the honeymoon.
cdomz66: hmmm. me too love
cdomz66: where would you like to go?
User name: Somewhere warm and romantic
cdomz66: Malta?
User name: Will do.
User name: Would you wanna marry again or just live together?
cdomz66: marry again ova and ova again!! loool
User name: Omg...lol
cdomz66: i don't mean different people silly
cdomz66: i mean u!!
User name: Hmmm, need to start picking out my rock... size 8. Lol
cdomz66: hahaha.....size 8 you shall get then
cdomz66: what's your fav jeweler
User name: Don't have one... ur pick
User name: Now don't bring me a rock from the oil field. Lmao
cdomz66: looolzzz
cdomz66: that'd be a custom made baby
cdomz66: lol
cdomz66: special!!
cdomz66: exclusive to u!
User name: Yippee!
User name: Whatcha doing babe?
cdomz66: watchn American pie myself whilst Jess has retired to bed
User name: haha glad you won the battle
cdomz66: loool
cdomz66: i sure did
cdomz66: i'm the boss at the end of the day
cdomz66: although most times its more of a partnership lool
User name: I'm sure she's won plenty on you.
User name: What time you go to work?
cdomz66: 9
User name: Baby go to sleep. I'm going too.
cdomz66: i want u here!!!
User name: I know.
User name: Lets think maybe sometime in December, correct?
cdomz66: maybe sooner love!
User name: Well I'll just think December just in case.
User name: Babe, I'm gonna go nite nite. Sweet dreams hun.
cdomz66: i love you
cdomz66: speak to you tomorrow ok/
cdomz66: ?
User name: Please go rest and feel better. Tomorrow it is.
cdomz66 is typing a message.
cdomz66: ok babyyyyy
by lionness369 Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:43 am
From 9/16/09 to 9/29/09 we spent mostly chatting on the website through emails. I don't have those emails because I asked the website to remove him and they did, thus deleting all information.

On 9/29 we turned to AOL emails and here are the initial ones where he is asking me to IM chat and I'm giving him a hard time (should of gone with my GUT!). Lol

HIM: 9/29/09
I’m a Wellsite Geologist, i work in the Oil and Gas industry!

ME: 9/29/09
Wow, nice to hear. What do you do for fun?

HIM: 9/30/09
for fun, i do alot of things like play soccer, basketball, golf (rarely i must add and if there's a course), volleyball with Jessica(daughter), go to beaches, watch the same sports including the NFL and baseball of course. I hang out alot with my daughter as its just us 2 and we both enjoy traveling, enjoying and learning stuff about different places, history and cultures.

ME: 10/2/09
It’s great to see a father take such initiative and do positive things.

HIM: 10/2/09
Thanks, she’s all I got so yea i try! Love her to bits. Do you think we can have a real time chat at any point?

ME: 10/8/09
Yea, you can call me if you like.

HIM: 10/8/09
yea i can call you. I am in Aberdeen, UK at the moment though for work. I actually meant like instant messaging.

ME: 10/10/09
Ah ok… Wasn’t sure what you were referring to. Guess one of these days we’ll meet up on IM. Enjoy the UK.

HIM: 10/10/09
One day…i asked when we can schedule a time for a chat? Are you always extremely busy?

ME: 10/11/09
Haha Just seems like we are worlds apart and the mere essence of having a conversation seems like a project.

HIM: 10/11/09
oh yea, well yes thats very true...lol....But i'm not particular about location or distance though cos i can relocate or live anywhere.....My work can be done from pretty much any part of the world unless of course when i need to travel for actual exploration and refining projects.
by lionness369 Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:46 am
Some more emails:

From: [email protected]
Date: October 28, 2009 1:37:39 PM EDT
Subject: Re: Questions of the day
My favorite food is Italian, chinese, thai, American, pakistani rice n sea food as well
I do exercises mainly running, i enjoy playing soccer and basketball as well. Play volleyball with Jess
My fav bands are U2, west life, Backstreet boys.... 2 numerous hun, artist list goes on forever!!
Fav movies.....omg.....i can't start mentioning.....i'm almost like a girl when it comes to movies...I don't mess with my movies AT ALLL.....i love pretty much any n everything!! with the exception of Sex & the city...lol....the movie that is, although the series(tv show) was/still is my guilty pleasure..
My fav color is GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!! lol

I'm ill snookums, i need you here to make me feel better!!

LYL....(decipher it!!) hehe

From: [email protected]
Date: October 26, 2009 11:11:09 AM EDT
Subject: Re: Questions of the Day
hi love,

My Birthday is past, it was July 22. 66
My Pet Peeves are lies, disloyalty, unfaithfulness, deceit amongst other things
My last name is Dominguez
Both my parents passed on in 2002 and i'm an only child. It's just me and Jessie.

Tell me about yours baby!!

Love you loads!!


Quotes added for clarity - Michelle
by lionness369 Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:07 pm
Conversation 10/27/09:

User name: Are you here?
cdomz66: yes
User name: Whatcha doing?
cdomz66: nothing
cdomz66: i feel sick to my belly
User name: why? did you eat junk?
cdomz66: not eaten actually
cdomz66: how is gram?
User name: She's ok... They are doing xrays, etc. She's definitely staying at hosp for now.
cdomz66: for how long is she gonna be there?
User name: We don't know anything yet.
cdomz66: are you gonna go to the hospital later?
User name: Not going there today. Probably tomorrow.
cdomz66: pops?
User name: Pops, mom left when I was 3 or 4 yrs old.
cdomz66: i'm sorry love. I was best friends with my dad, mom and i were like soulmates practically....we were like 1.....we shared the same heart n soul. I miss them terribly!!!
User name: I could imagine. What happened to them? You've had alot of losses in your life.
cdomz66: mom died of lung cancer and dad died of a heart attack a couple month's later but i think it was of a broken heart cos he never was the same after she passed
User name: Wow, I believe it.
User name: Life is hard.
cdomz66: I will totally help you through it step by step love
cdomz66: i'll walk the length with you
User name: And even though I sometimes drive you crazy, which I'm sure I do, you've already been walking me through the process.
User name: I think it's just scary for me to feel vulnerable because I'm always so in control of my emotions, etc.
cdomz66: you'll be fine sweetheart
cdomz66: i love you and will always be here for you
User name: :)
User name: Half the time don't know what to do with myself. Lol
cdomz66: lol
cdomz66: just take it all in baby!!
User name: How do you stay so together?
cdomz66: hearing from you in a day keeps me sane
User name: So what do you think about us? Any plans?
cdomz66: i think about everything and like you asked me in your email, yes i could move to you first and we could live there if that made you closer to home and family
User name: For real? Yikes. lol

He DISAPPEARED and never came back that night, which I now hear is typical of these scammers.
by Ralph Wed Jan 27, 2010 3:59 am
Looks like I have some catching up to do :wink:

For now

The yahoo email address listed is bouncing, no doubt he has a ready replacement

Once again, I have been through the chat and added some comments, I will do the same for the more recent chat a little later.

Of note, this scammer does not show "all" of the usual signs of a scammer but there are a few things.

Also woth mentioning, the more recent chat logs are less likely to have all of the features I would be looking for such as pasted poems which may have already been sent previously.

cdomz66: here now
User name: Hi there
cdomz66: hey
User name: How was your day babe?
cdomz66: it was ok, tiring but LONG!!
cdomz66: yours? I just saw your text. You're not serious about all of the questions you've asked me, are you?
User name: Just wanted to know some more about you. Feel like we stopped asking questions and I'm curious.
User name: Miss our questions of the day.
User name: How come you appear offline on this thing?
cdomz66: is that so babe. Question of the day...lol....
cdomz66: cos i log on invisible
User name: Why?

they will often appear invisible so other victims dont see them online and not chatting with them, scammers will often be in the process of scamming up to a dozen people at a time, all at various stages

cdomz66: curious cat
User name: Yes, very curious.
cdomz66: cos i just come on that way. i am rarely here anyways
User name: Who you hiding from? Lol
cdomz66: tell me what's going on
cdomz66: no-one
cdomz66: who is there to hide from?
User name: Me... haha
cdomz66: why would i want to do that?
User name: Who knows.
User name: So what's new?
cdomz66: tell me whats going on babe.
User name: Nothing hun... why?
User name: You've been acting strange these past few days.
cdomz66: how so?
User name: You keep saying that something is wrong and that I'm being different.
User name: How so? I just feel like I wanna reconnect...know more.
cdomz66: i just feel it babe, i really do!
cdomz66: and yea i do wanna reconnect cos as you say I do feel disconnected! Sorta
User name: Don't feel like that... things are fine on my end.
cdomz66: things aren't fine on my end!!
cdomz66: I'm losing it here!
User name: I know you are and I'm not sure what to do about it.
cdomz66: if you can't withstand this sordid, decrepit version of me then just say. I'm sorry but i feel less of a man right now, i feel like i'm failing someone and not doing enough. I'm totally demoralized and despondent. I don't think i'd be fun for anyone to be around right now. And i know i'm being totally unfair to you right now. I'm sorry. But if at any point you feel this is too much for you, you could always leave. You know that

Trying to get sympathy

User name: I've never asked you for anything.
User name: If anything I've always been here for you and I apologize that I can't be here for you monetarily, but I don't have it.
User name: I will always be here for you emotionally, but can't offer you anything else right now.
User name: If you can't deal with that and feel the need to leave, you could always leave as well.
cdomz66: ok, fair enough. Is this why you asked me to come online?
User name: No, I wasn't expecting you to send me such a message, but you feel the way you feel and I can't change that.
cdomz66: to send you what message?
User name: You keep telling me that I could leave... almost as if you want me to.
cdomz66: Is there any need me being here now? online that is? because you clearly are trying hard to get rid of me. Obviously you didn't understand my message but if that interpretation rocks your boat then kewl, no worries!
User name: Whatever! I'm done trying and giving it 100%.
cdomz66: why are you upset?
User name: Because I've done nothing but be here for you and your daughter in your time of need and always feel like it's not good enough.

Good point you raise, scammers will often make you feel that way, especially after you have already complied with previous requests by them.

User name: I don't know what you want or expect of me, but right now I can't give you more.
cdomz66: It is good enough, did i ever say otherwise?
User name: I have my own demons to deal with.
cdomz66: i knoq
cdomz66: i know, I am sorry
cdomz66: i'll back off then
cdomz66: like i said earlier, i am sorry. I do love you. never intended it to happen this way
cdomz66: i hope you find happiness
cdomz66: wherever it is
cdomz66: if you want me, you know how to reach me
User name: Well, thanks for being honest and letting me know how you feel.
cdomz66: you're making it sound really bad
cdomz66: what have i said?
User name: It's not bad babe... I think it's very honorable.
cdomz66: honorable, true. What exactly has happened tonight? Care to elaborate?
User name: I don't know... think you just broke up with me.
cdomz66: I so did not!!
cdomz66: if anything, you kinda did!! It just feels like we're having a massive argument over nothing

Letting you know it's your fault
by Ralph Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:02 am

User name: I agree!
cdomz66: why did you ask me to come online babe?
User name: Because I wanted to talk to you!
User name: I always want to talk to you.
User name: Why is that so suspicious to you? Don't I always ask you when you can come online?
User name: I don't understand why you're being so hard on me.
User name: And questioning my every move.
cdomz66: i thought you asked me to come just to fight. I don't normally question you like this, do i? can you just ignore my madness for today and start all over ?
User name: You questioned me yesterday too. I understand you're frustrated and going crazy over there, but I come in peace!
cdomz66: lol
cdomz66: i in pieces!!
cdomz66: i'm shattered love
User name: I know hun and I figured if you talked about it, you would feel better.
User name: I think it's good that you have someone to talk to.
User name: I just have so many questions and wanted to chit-chat, but I understand it's probably not the right time.
User name: I think it's important that you not worry about me, my emotions, etc. and that you concentrate on getting Jess healthy.
cdomz66: ok
User name: Take some time for you and her... I'll always be here, but I don't want you to feel obligated to reach out to me or come online when I want. I won't ask that of you anymore.
User name: Ok well, I think this conversation has run its course and you don't wanna talk anymore. Have a good night and I hope everything works out for you and Jess. Hugs and kisses.
cdomz66: i am here still babe
User name: Ok
cdomz66: you gone?
User name: Nope, still here.
cdomz66: what are you doing?
User name: Just watching tv.
User name: Why are you still up babe?
cdomz66: cant sleep
User name: Did you resolve anything at the hospital?
cdomz66: like?
User name: You said in your text you were taking care of things at hospital.
cdomz66: i was making sure Jess was fine for the night and the nurses were asking if i was still on course for thursday since they ain't heard anything from me still. i was only trying to explain to them
User name: Ah ok. They don't let you sleep there? Here they do.
User name: Did you try the local banks? Maybe taking out a loan.
cdomz66: i couldn't sleep there. No
User name: Babe I don't understand how a successful family man, doesn't have any money in savings. What did you do with the money you've earned over these past years?
User name: How do you pay your rent in Pleasanton?
cdomz66: hold up
cdomz66: didn't you read what i wrote yesterday?
User name: Yes I did...but what did you do with the money from prior jobs?
User name: You know what? It's really none of my business. I'm sorry for asking.
User name: You still here?
cdomz66: I do have money in savings, i do have most of my funds in stocks and bonds, i've got money in fixed deposits. I didn't say i don't have any funds at all. I just don't have any funds i have access to whilst here, i need to be physically present to have access to these funds. Like i said yesterday love, my initial deposit for the project i'm working on right now I came here with....all of it. How isn't it your business? Sorry i'm watching the news as well as chatting to you so i'm a bit slow...

This is all lies, if his daughter truely was sick in a foreign country, he would be able to sell his bonds and stocks, sure, there may be a penalty for withdrawing early but this is his daughters life he is talking about.

The other problem is that his countries embassy would never let harm come to their citizen like this

As for being slow, I doubt he is watching the news, more elikely he eis chatting with another victim

User name: I just been racking my brain to see how you could get your situation resolved and money/saving/jobs, etc. came to mind.
cdomz66: And also, i've told you several times i've had to relocate like countless times, all of my things are in storage and even when i get back, i'll be at a hotel for a while before deciding where to move to. Reason why i told you i could even move to u asap if you wanted. I've always allowed for flexibility

How much is in storage, surely he isn't paying for a couple of old pieces of furniture to sit in storage, cant he sell those items?

User name: I didn't know that... thought you had an apartment back home.
User name: I've always needed to be stable.
cdomz66: i told you in the beginning love
User name: I don't remember hun... sorry.
cdomz66: yea, well i've been a constant mover! always traveling for work. If you ever were in my shoes, trust me you'd be like that
cdomz66: it just comes with the job

And what a fantastic job it must be that puts his daughter at risk in another country without insurance and he doesn't get paid until the job is finished

User name: I guess you get used to it.
cdomz66: especially being freelance, you're uncertain about longevity of certain jobs etc
User name: I believe that.
User name: Especially now since you haven't been able to work.
User name: Where was your last job before this one?
User name: Babe, do you have any more pics of you? I've exhausted the ones you gave me. lol
cdomz66: maybe, not sure. Would let you know if i find any.

If he finds any more suitable jobs on teh net he will let you know

My last job was in Doha but it was a short stint. After my late wife died, i didn't work for almost 2 years

Another lie, as hard as it must be to lose a loved one, not working for 2 years while eyou have a child is not an option

User name: Where the heck is Doha? lol
cdomz66: Qatar
User name: haha ok, that tells me alot
cdomz66: lol
cdomz66: what does it tell you?
User name: Absolutely nothing. lol
cdomz66: hehehehe, actually it was Qatar but then it meant me finishing off in Kuala lumpur.....
cdomz66: it was a joint project with government of both countries
User name: What? Thailand... hahah
cdomz66: and i still have issues with them
cdomz66: especially since they do owe me tons still
cdomz66: nope, Malaysia
cdomz66: Thailand is Bangkok

He seems to know his way around for a scammer who doesn't know where Nigeria is

User name: Ah ok... that's better. Thank you.
User name: I needed that geographical lesson.
cdomz66: i could be your teacher
User name: Love it!
User name: Babe, I'm going to bed... have a major headache.
User name: If we don't IM during the week, hope everything works out for Jess. You're both in my thoughts and prayers. Lots of hugs and kisses.
cdomz66: thanks! I won't hear from you this week, right?
User name: Yes babe. Just not sure if you'll feel up to it.
User name: Don't want you to be stressed with Jess and then also me.
User name: During the week, you usually don't IM with me.
User name: Ok, I'm here for you and love you megatons!
User name: You still here? I'm logging off now.
cdomz66: alrighty then. I get it. Have a goodnight love
cdomz66: nite nite
User name: What do you get? Babe please stop being so testy and miscontruing my words.
User name: I'm not the enemy... I promise.
cdomz66: should i give up on you trying to sort something out for the situation? Although you've said it already, i just need to confirm and yes i get that you're tired....No misinterpretation babe, trust me

Here is is trying to make you feel guilty for not being able to send him money

cdomz66: i do totally understand!
User name: I have nothing to sort out hun... I don't have any cash or credit right now. I'm completely tapped out and don't know anyone who does. Sorry love.
User name: Emotionally I will always be here, but can't give you something I don't have.
by lionness369 Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:45 am
Because he isn't the typical scammer is why I held on for so long. He writes well, seems educated, knows most of his geography. Even told me he once lived in Lynchburg, VA, New Rochelle, NY and Columbus, OH. Also knew alot about San Francisco,CA.

He never asked for my address or sent me gifts or poems. The conversations I've posted were pretty much it. Very normal and unsuspecting (at first, of course). Used to text me everyday inquiring about my grams who was in the hospital at the time. Seemed caring and thoughtful.

Lucky me to have ended up with such an experienced scammer. Lol If he'd been the typical scammer, I definitely would of caught on much earlier for sure, but he's pretty good.
by lionness369 Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:50 am
1-24-10 – Text Messages

ME: I knew once I mentioned da fone you'd disappear bc that's what scammers do! They get what they want n move on. So u got a fone...big deal! But u weren't da only 1 playing da game...grams says "hi." HANLL!

HIM: What??

ME: Nuttin. Perhaps we should meet at Club Cafe and talk things over.

HIM:You're obviously losing it. If u lied about your gran then i'm sorry. Thats really sad.

ME: No Club Cafe? Lose da number jxxkoff. Been onto u for a long time. Wish i cld actually tell u what u did wrong but then that wld just help u scam others. Wouldn't it?

ME: Yeah I'm always losing it! Ur just da poor guy with sick daughter and diseases every month. Honestly!!! Need to step up ur game.

HIM: Why are you so angry? I was ill, my daughter and i are ok now. Not sure what, where or who your anger is directed to.

This was our last communication which was by text message. I mentioned (“Club Café” – an internet café near Cambridge University) because that’s where I found out the iphone was delivered. And as you can see, he doesn’t mention Club Café or ask what it was or where because he knows where it is and knows I got him. Lol

I never sent a response to his last text of… why so angry? Figured I would just let it go!
by Ralph Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:57 am
Letting it go is probably a good idea.

I should point out, scammers may go away for a while after getting what they want but they will always be back if they think there is hope of getting more from you.

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