Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Michelle Fri Feb 05, 2010 7:08 am
vacationgirl59 wrote:I did a search of his header and it came out to be Sunnyvale, CA. Weird

When we get to the full headers we should be able to help you further.

The IP address that gives you Sunnyvale will be an Internal Yahoo Internal Server and not where the scammer is actually located. (unless he works for Yahoo! - something I very much doubt somehow).

by vacationgirl59 Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:21 pm
Hello....thank you for all of your help thus far. I PM-ed Ralph one of the email headers. When I get a chance I will post all of them here. I would just like to know for sure where he is located. I am simply astounded by all of this information that is being forwarded to me. This man must be quite good at what he does, for I am a very skeptical person...and I ask lots of questions. Which I have of him, and of course every time I do he makes a joke and tells me that I ask too many questions. I tell him its my profession that guides me to question everything! Thank God I am a careful person and saw some holes in his stories. But yet again, some things just don't lead me to believe he could be one of these scammers. I am going to keep trying to find out more information on him. I guess what I would like to hear or know is if there are any other women out there who have been scammed by this same man. I think then I will be able to put this to rest. It's difficult knowing that there are people out there who take advantage of others in such a way. Hopefully, you will all help me in finding out the truth. Thanks for all you have done so far!
by Dotti Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:13 pm
I will send you some other info via PM, but...

Does this look familiar?

Again, please don't tell your scammer you have seen this, no matter how tempting it is.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by Con Warner Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:28 pm
Carefull VG59!
I think you might just be a little bit hooked on this guy.

You know in your heart that you are being scammed but you choose to disbelieve it!
Please see sense. We can give you loads of examples of this kind of scam if you wish... :|

Email: [email protected]

Latest updates regarding Internet Fraud: http://www.antifraudnews.com
by Ralph Fri Feb 05, 2010 7:59 pm
Header received with thanks :wink:

Good news is there is nothing wrong with your header analysis skills, I got the same location as you.

Unfortunately that does not mean he is at that location, rather it shows he has learnt to manipulate his IP address.

In this case we can only go by statistics on his location and give you the most likely situation which is that he is in Africa, we can and will do some further research on him and his scam and hopefully be able to provide more information but the main point remains, regardless of where he is, who he is or how old he is, his intentions are and always will be to steal from you, to get you to love and trust him enough for you to send him money, he is almost certainly trying to scam other women right now using the same details but unless they have suspicions like you have, they will unfortunately not know and we can not find them.

The sad part is that some of the other women he is communicating with may be in a much worse position than you were and could send him many thousands of dollars and leave themselves unable to pay their own bills for him.

We have seen these same stories over and over again, they vary a little but they are easily spotted when you have seen so many.

The only important truth right now is that the pictures, the person and the words, they are all created and put together for one purpose only, to steal from women.

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