Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by blinkyringo10 Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:12 pm
thanks for the reassuring replies. I can believe how low these guys will go just to get some bucks out of you.

In the third email he sent (already posted), he encourages me to get in contact with the account department at capitec, and gives me their contact details...

Please find below the contact information.

Capitec Bank.
Foreign Account Department.
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +27741069721/91/92
Fax: +271727-388-6289

Please contact them with the following information's, your Full Names, Contact Telephone Numbers (Home, Office and Mobile Number and also Fax Number) Note that you are to inform the bank that you wish to establish/ open an account with their reputable bank, and they should advice you on such account.
I will await an update from you. Please do make contact with the bank so that the account opening can be fast. Once the account is opened, then we are set to go.

André Pierre du Plessis.

I did what he said and sent an email to [email protected]
I soon got a reply from the fake website.
Note the double i, in [email protected]

RE: Opening an account?
From: CAPITEC BANK ([email protected])
Sent: Friday, 23 January 2009 3:15:23 PM
To: [email protected] ([email protected])
Capitec Bank
Registered Office:
10 Quantum Road,
Techno Park, Stellenbosch 7600,
Western Cape, South Africa.
Tel: +27741069721/81/82
Fax: +1727-388-6289

ATTN: Michael Aaron Simmons,

We dully acknowledged the receipt of your email and your enquiry on how to open up/establish an operational account with our bank.

For new account set up, you are advised to log on to the bank website at: http://www.cptec.co.za with your Customer ID No: 71423100

Click on OUR SERVICE FOCUS, then OPENING AN ACCOUNT and Fill in all mandatory fields in the online account opening form correctly for our record purpose online.

Also make up your own Account ID and Account KEY when you're filling the online account opening form and submit the form.

Account ID.....blinkyringo25
Account Key.....michael

Upon receipt of the Online Account Opening Form, we will proceed and activate your account and we will provide you with the necessary account coordinate you need to access your account.

Be informed that all account has full Option Banking Amenities which include having an ATM Debit Master Card, Cheque book, Credit balance print out and overdraft.

Your Bank Account materials which include your full Capitec Account details, ATM Debit Master Card and Cheque book will be sent via Courier service to your residential / postal address that you will provide to this office.

Also you can log on to our Online Internet Banking System with your chosen Account ID and Account KEY to confirm your account balance and also make online transfer from the fund available in your account to any designated bank account anywhere in the world at your convenience.

Ensure that you have a valid form of identification sent with the Account Opening Form either your International Passport, Drivers License or your National ID.

If you require any further clarification on the above, your can contact us on telephone number +277-4106-9721 or you can email us back as we reiterate our commitment towards the opening and activation of your account.

Thanks for your anticipated co-operation.

Yours Faithfully,
Mrs. Lina N. Browne.
Foreign Account Officer.

Disclaimer and confidentiality note
The contents of this e-mail and any attachments relating to the official business of Capitec Bank Limited (Capitec) are proprietary to Capitec. It is confidential, legally privileged and protected by law. Capitec does not own and endorse any other content. Views and opinions are those of the sender unless clearly indicated as being that of Capitec.
The person addressed in the e-mail is the sole authorised recipient. Please notify the sender immediately if it has unintentionally reached you and do not read, disclose or use the content in any way.


I followed the instructions in the email and submitted an online application form, to which I recieved an email back asking for the activation deposit...

Account Activation/Registration?
From: CAPITEC BANK ([email protected])
Sent: Saturday, 24 January 2009 12:52:08 AM
To: [email protected] ([email protected])
Capitec Bank
Registered Office:
10 Quantum Road,
Techno Park, Stellenbosch 7600,
Western Cape, South Africa.
Tel: +27741069721/81/82
Fax: +1727-388-6289

ATTN: Michael Aaron Simmons,

We are in receipt of the filled ACCOUNT OPENING APPLICATION FORM.

As stipulated on the South Africa Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA )rules and regulation, Section (5) Decree No. 18 of 1995 constitution, It is mandatory for you to pay the Minimum deposit for Account Activation/Registration a sum of One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars only($1,250.00) since you are a Non-Resident Client.

The Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA ) became mandatory for all non-resident client since 2005 when the South Africa Reserve Bank made negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to ensure that South Africa compete on the international stage with a sophisticated and stable money market. Since then the Financial Authorities has promulgate and imposed the Minimum Deposit Fee Act for all operating banks in order to monitor all wire transfer made from non-resident account and to assist with the tracking and tracing of money.

NOTE that the mandatory minimum deposit belongs to you, as this fee will be placed in your account and not forfeited as a fee for opening an account. This is to enable our K.T.T data base recognized your account for onward transfer as you may wish to transfer swiftly into your nominated account round the globe.

Upon receipt of the minimum deposit activation fee, we will proceed and activate your account and we will provide you with the necessary account coordinate you need to access your account. Thereafter you can log on to our Online Internet Banking System with your chosen Account ID and Account KEY to confirm your account balance and also make online transfer from the fund available in your account to any designated bank account anywhere in the world at your convenience.

So we advise you in your own interest to comply with the above instructions and proceed with the activation of your account for effective transfer as you may wish to transfer swiftly to your designated bank account.

If you require any further clarification on the above, your can contact us on telephone number +277-4106-9721 or you can email us back as we reiterate our commitment towards the opening and activation of your account.

Thanks for your anticipated co-operation.

Yours Faithfully,
Mrs. Lina N. Browne.
Foreign Account Officer.

Disclaimer and confidentiality note
The contents of this e-mail and any attachments relating to the official business of Capitec Bank Limited (Capitec) are proprietary to Capitec. It is confidential, legally privileged and protected by law. Capitec does not own and endorse any other content. Views and opinions are those of the sender unless clearly indicated as being that of Capitec.
The person addressed in the e-mail is the sole authorised recipient. Please notify the sender immediately if it has unintentionally reached you and do not read, disclose or use the content in any way.

I hope this helps. I'll continue posting emails as I receive them.

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