My name is Raymond A Akan, your new account officer. I have instructed by the management of this bank, to handle the transferring of your fund from henceforth. And to enable us obtain the necessary remittance clearance documents from the Ministry Of Finance and Central Bank, you are required to send to us, copies of the pages 1, 2 and 3 of your international passport or any official id for submission to the Ministry Of Finance and Central Bank for approval and onward action.
Be informed also, that you have the opportunity to choose the method through which you will like to receive your fund and they are as follows:
1. Bank To Bank Transfer: Through this method, the fund will be transferred direct to your accounts by swift after obtaining the necessary clearance documents
2. Diplomatic Channel Courier Services: With this method, the fund will be packaged and delivered to your address after also obtaining the necessary remittance clearance documents.
Thus, you are required to respond and let us know the method through which you will like to receive your fund to enable us know the kind of clearance documents to obtain.
NOTE: You are required to confirm the Deposit File Security Number to re-assure us that we are dealing with the right partner to Mrs Louise Morgan.
Do not note hesitate to contact me if you need further explanation concerning the transferring of your fund.
We look forward to receiving your response and copies of your passport or id.
Mr Raymond A Akan
International Wire
Ecobank Bénin
03 Blvrd Calviet Guillot
SN/ 01 Cotonou – Benin Republic
Tel: (00229) 658 379 68 - Fax : (00229) 96 06 00 47
[email protected]