by Ralph
Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:08 am
Essmi, the more I read of this and the more I think about it, the more I feel the only person who can help him now is himself, you have shown us that you care deeply for your friend, he will be wishing we are all wrong if for no other reason to be able to tell you he told you so.
Now he will be letting his pride get in the way of reality, I feel that deep down he knows we are all right but cant stand the idea of admitting that to himself let alone to anybody else.
One day he may begin to take our advice, he may do some research on the details of the scammer, he may take one of those Black bank notes to the bank and ask the bank if the note appears to be a real note that is black, a long shot could be to compare a blackened note to a real note, he may even find it is a different size, he may be smart enough to attempt to scratch off this paint to reveal what is underneath, of course it is simply a black piece of paper.
The washing machine that will Alledgedly solve all of these problems may well be a miracle machine ( in reality a piece of junk made from an old washing machine an some computer parts designed to steal more of his money through lies) but if this extremely expensive solution is any good it will surely work at least a little if it is applied, he may also want to try using other substances on the notes such as thinners or turps or one of those products advertised on TV that will remove all stains, of course if the black dye does come off, all that will be left is paper, if it does not come off then one must wonder what this miracle thing he has ruined his life for is.
I presume he witnessed a demonstration on a note that was "fixed", so why is it that they didn't do more notes while it was there, why cant they send him that same machine that was working, surely he has paid enough now to pay for that machine several times.
He may wish to google the scammers (charles is no doubt NOT his real name so Scammer is the only name we will ever have for him) email address, phone number or even the information given to send the money.
Essmi, to you in particular, you are allowing your friend to ruin your life as well, this can no longer continue, victims of scams will believe so deeply that everything will be OK that they forget about the pain they are causing to their own family, he will hopefully take a hard look at the pain he is causing the peopl around him for this person who's email address and phone number appear on other scam related sites.
The wash wash scam or back money scam has been perpetrated on others but of course he will believe that this case is different, no it's not! and if he googles "wash wash scam" he will find storys just like his
He will be very likely be targeted by other scammers with a host of other scams now that he has been marked as a victim, the scammer will extract every last cent, then change the scam to get even more.
You have shown more patience than anybody could be expected to give, you have done all you can and now he needs to see it for himself, tell his family and friends, every last one that he is being scammed and is likely to ask them for help, they must not give it to him.
Many people will begin to smell the roses when they are sleeping in the gutter and not before, as sad as it seems, you need to let him slip into the gutter so he can see how shitty his life has become as a result of this thief.
This scammer is not his friend, what good things have happened as a result of meeting this person, what was his life like before this scammer came into it, is it better now, does he have more friends, has his bank account gone up, how much has this cost him so far and I dont just mean money, even if the black paper was money, is it worth what has happened to him and those around him, surely not.
If he were reading this I would tell him the same, it sounds tough, but so is life and he needs to face the facts for himself
One day with any luck, realisation will set in and he will realise that his life has crashed around him as a result of his "new African friend" and he will then need help, he can only hope that by that time there are still some people left that will help him after the hell he has put them through as a result of his being so stubborn.
Many people fall for this scam, he doesn't need to feel like an idiot as he is not, but he does need to realise how selfish he has been to everybody around him.