Sent: Fri Apr 03, 2015 9:25 pm
by smath
i am smart, ehab is my school mate
Ok, allow me to tell you what your mama and pappa should or may have told you.
Correct me if anything is not correct. You are from Ghana. You went to Egypt on a Visa to pursue an Education at an University.
Instead of getting a part time job and applying yourself to education you decided to attempt to scam people. You made fake documents and stole Jessica's photo's. When the refusal came about not sending money via Western Union or Moneygram you either recruited your mate or he was already on board.
I am willing to bet some of your W. African guy men used you two to receive money from other types of scam.
Now you want to play the victim role. WHAT ABOUT JESSICA???? or any other real victim.
I believe now you have been either deported or left on your own. You are having trouble getting back into Egypt because of this thread or your mate is very upset at you.
This is my advice. Find legitimate work.
By the way, the scam emails originated in Egypt.
Lastly, I will not remove a damn thing. I may add some more of your 419/scam emails if anything.