Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by delphineb92 Sat May 22, 2010 8:44 am
hi i received i mail by facebook of a family which is looking for a family and i ask him to write on my personal email. Is it a scam?


Thanks for the further message.

We live in the countryside near Selby. There is a direct train from London St Pancras Int/Kings Cross which takes two hours.

I am a lawyer and my wife is full time at home with our twins. We have a double bed spare room with en suite bathroom for the au pair.

We are looking for help from beginning July to end August. Part of that will be for a holiday au camping on the coast in France in August.

If you know anyone that might be interested, that would be great.



Direct dial 0113 xxxxxxx
Direct fax 0113 xxxxxxx
Real Estate Solicitors


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Sat, 22 May 2010 02:10:00 -0700 (PDT)
Received-SPF: neutral (google.com: is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of [email protected]) client-ip=;
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by smtp2.keele.netcentral.co.uk (8.14.2/8.14.2) with ESMTP id o4M9OUkc021991
for <[email protected]>; Sat, 22 May 2010 10:24:31 +0100
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Sat, 22 May 2010 09:09:57 +0000
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From: "J--- (watsons law)" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
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Subject: Au pair
thread-topic: Au pair
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Date: Sat, 22 May 2010 10:09:47 +0100
Received-SPF: none (smtp2.keele.netcentral.co.uk: [email protected] does not designate permitted sender hosts) receiver=smtp2.keele.netcentral.co.uk; client-ip=; helo=watsonslaw.com; [email protected]; x-software=spfmilter 0.95 http://www.acme.com/software/spfmilter/ with libspf2;

Edit: Removed personal details - CF

by Chris Fuller Sat May 22, 2010 9:32 am
Watsons Law is a registered company in the UK, and their website (the 'Our People' page) includes the name, email, and telephone number exactly the same as in the email you received.

The domain watsonslaw.com has been owned by them for six years.

Therefore, I would assume that this is a genuine email that you have received.

IP Address - Internet Central UK: they do provide a global roaming service, but appears to be predominantly used by UK businesses.
by delphineb92 Sat May 22, 2010 11:59 am
so this is a real job?
by Chris Fuller Sat May 22, 2010 4:21 pm
I don't know the person who wrote to you; of course. All I can tell you is that the website appears to be the legitimate website of the Law firm, and the person who wrote to you is listed as one of the lawyers there, with the same details that you were given.

You may, of course, prefer to use an established au pair agency which will have already vetted potential host families. If you do this, however, please still take care to carefully research the agency before using them. I understand that au pair agencies can be members of the International Au Pair Agencies Association (IAPA) or the British Au Pair Agencies Association (BAPAA), and that if you choose to use one of those, there will be certain safeguards in place already.
by GomerPyle Sun May 23, 2010 3:00 am
The only concern is that this is an unusual way for a stranger to contact to someone for an au pair job, even moreso a lawyer, who you would expect to be quite formal in their behaviour. I'm also not sure what the arrangement is going to be for the holiday. Will you be accompanying the family on holiday in France ?

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer
by Jack Smith Wed May 26, 2010 3:28 am
What some scammers do to get your money is to send you a check for your first month's salary, but then they add some more on for something else, like shipping a car for your use while working there. You are supposed to deposit the check, keep your wages, then send the rest of the money on to somebody else. Two months later, you discover that the check is bad. Or, they'll ask you to send some money for a part of your airfare somewhere. Or, you'll need to pay them for a visa, or a background check. They have thousands of stories, many of which involve pretending to send money to you first. Basically, anybody who asks you to send money to themselves or to somebody else is trying to scam you. Very sad, but true.
by delphineb92 Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:57 am
Hi !

I received an email yesterday because i'm looking for a babysitter job to do during my studies, in a french town called Angers (where I live right now)

This is what I received (I already sent an email to her from a website where parents are looking for a babysitter, but in the title of her answer, it's written "SPAM"...)

Here is the email, don't know if you unerstand french, but i'll put the details of the email then:

"re: *** SPAM ***babysitter:

bonsoir !

je viens te donner qlq renseignements supplémentaires
je cherche quelqu un a partir de la 2 iem semaine de decembre car je travaille en moyenne une semaine sur 2
voir un peu plus de temps en temps
j ai besoin de quelq un de dispo à partir de 17h le soir '( il n y a pas de trajet à faire ) pour aider les 2 grands à faire leurs leçons
( ils ont 7 ans et demi et sont en ce1 ; ils sont assez autonomes et indépendants et pas embetants du tout ! )
timoté lui aura 2 mois en decembre pour lui il s' agit juste de donner un biberon si necessaire et de changer la couche;
voila à part ça on habite a coté de la place monprofit ( pas loin du nouveau théatre donc pas loin de belle beille
pour plus de renseignements tu peux m appeler au 0607432226
bonne soirée"


"Delivered-To: Removed - Michelle
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by David Jansen Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:24 am
I can't read French, but i have checked the IP from the sender, and it resolves to Trelaze, which is close to Angers. In other words, that email seems to be send by someone close to you.

Being a victim doesn't mean you stand alone. We're here to help you.
by Michael Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:43 am
The French is written by someone who has it as a native language. I don't see much spammish about it and don't recognise the script as of a typical scammer. The phone number is a french mobile number, and David traced the IP to a place not far from you. I'd say it is legitimate.

Account inactive - messages are not being monitored
by paul jackson Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:25 am
I am no expert in judging character over the internet, but just to make sure I always make it a point to do research. You can never tell if something is a scam unless you get feedback from other users on the net. Having this site is of great value since not too many sites out there offer this type of topics where people get together and verify if people, jobs, or groups are legitimate or not. I think I will be visiting here every now and then.

Paul Jackson
<advertising links removed - Michelle>
by delphineb92 Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:01 am
ANd i also received this one but the salary seems too high to be true...

Hello Dear,
How are you doing?I am looking for a Wonderful and Caring Nanny for my children.I am a doctor,I am widower and am always on busy schedule due to the Nature of my job.,I am looking for an Au pair /Nanny willing to stay for 2-12 months or more,all i require is someone who is Protective and is very watchful on the kids,I have hired in the past, part time nannies that has been quite discouraging,so i am looking for someone who is bright,intelligent and interested to work and be a member of the family.
I need support to take care of my lovely children due to my busy schedules most of the time and also considering the fact that i lost my Husband only require just someone that can show the capability to handle this Job.All I require is some description about you maybe with a resume or any experience you might have had with children,

Terms and Conditions for the Job
Here are precisely what is required::
1.Your services would be needed for at least 2months to 12months.
2.I need someone Honest,Caring,Trustworthy,Loving,Affectionate,Concerned,Understanding and Loves children.
3.You might be of any race or color
4,You are not to indulge in any act that would have negative effect on my kids.

1.How many Yrs of experience do you have as an Au Pair
2.Can u cook?
3.Can u Drive? Not necessary
5.Experience with children
6.Any Academic Foundations?
7,Do you have a Passport for applying for a Visa/Working permit to the
United States?
8.Are you available to move immediately all necessary traveling
arrangements requirements are met?
9,Salary payment per week is 840$

Break down of the payment

Am offering to pay 12$ per hrs.......

Minimum hours to work is 10hrs and maximum is 12hrs a day

so if u do 10hrs x 12$ per hour =120 x 7days =840$

Waiting for your Response,


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Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2010 12:52:32 +0100
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Subject: Aupair/Nanny Needed Asap
From: Zoe Putnam <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
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by fernanb8521 Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:13 am
Being a family man, having children, having a good paying decent job and just recently lost his wife in a car accident, who would suspect that this is not a scam..Right? But sadly it is, so don't be fooled guys..
by delphineb92 Sat Dec 11, 2010 8:46 am
Is it a scam?

Dear Delphine,

Thanks for your interest to work with my family. Meanwhile, how are you doing today? Hope that you are good health over there.

With respect to your services, your basic duties would be to take care of our kid. We have a house maiden who would undertake of housework hence your sole basic responsibility is with Cherry, and that includes getting ready for school in the morning, preparing her meals and playing with her and also visiting some recreational parks and children play ground here our building.

Besides, let me use this opportunity to give you a brief introduction to our family. We are a family of four. My wife Maria, Cherry (4yrs) our first daughter and Victoria (1yr) second and I. I work with Hotel Russell London as the Manager Director and wife Maria works in the same hotel as an Assistant Account.
Cherry our daughter will Four (4) years old by 20th January. My family would take care of the cost by undertaking care of your traveling cost. In saying this we would be paying for your flight tickets and other expenses which you may undergo. You will have your own room furnished with a laptop computer connected to internet for your personal use.
Your monthly is salary will be 1800GBP which would be paid to you at the end of every month and a weekly pocket money of 220GBP and this is subjected to change with respect to your approach to services in our family. You will be expected to work for about 25-30hours per week. You will have weekend off and we shall pay you for an extra-time in your work in case of such incident.

Feel free to call any time via +4470457 60108. Do well and send your update CV/Resume to enable us ascertain your credibility as a good Au pair to our son. Alternatively, you can send some important information about you (your full name, contact address and phone number) to enable you to prepare a Contract Letter for you. Wishing you a very happy and fulfilling day.

Yours Sincerely,
Davis Graham
For the family.

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Dear Delphine=2C


How are you doing today? Well=2C haven gone through your mail=2C
I really understand your comments regarding to the Contract Letter.=20


I have gone to the UK HOME OFFICE to know the possibility of
you getting in the UK
as soon as possible and they guaranteed that if you will follow their
instructions judiciously=2C then every thing will work out fine. I have cal=
led your numbers several time today you but I could not hear what you were =
saying. i called again and again but one answer.


Prior to your traveling instructions from the UK HOME OFFICE
which stipulate that you have to send the signed Contract Letter to the UK =
OFFICE via E-mail as soon as possible because I have already discussed that
with my Lawyer who works in the UK HOME OFFICE that once you send the signe=
Contract Letter that he will ensure that your application gets appropriate
attention in terms of getting approved of your traveling papers=2C that is =
why I
told you that we are going to process your traveling documents from here in=


Do well and send the signed Contract Letter to the UK HOME
OFFICE via E-mail below in other for them to start processing your travelin=
documents okay.


Home Office=2C UK Boarder

PO Box 3468=2C Sheffield=2C

S3 8WA=2C


Fax : +447024015622

E mail: [email protected]


Note: make sure that you indicate your current location=2C
nationality and desired date of departure. Ensure that you send the contrac=
letter to the UK HOME OFFICE via Email: [email protected] as soo=
n as
you you finish signing it so that they will start the processing and
procurement of your travel documents.


Maria And Cherry send their best regards to you all.


Wishes you a blissful day ahead.



Davis Graham

<Mod edit: domain is being handled. -Michael>
by Dotti Sat Dec 11, 2010 9:11 am
Another scam, I'm afraid.

The domain ukhome-office.org has no connection to the UK government. It is a fake registered by the scammers for use in scamming.

Created On:06-May-2010 08:09:39 UTC
Last Updated On:06-Jul-2010 03:47:54 UTC
Expiration Date:06-May-2011 08:09:39 UTC

If you receive any emails from the fake home office address, could you please post them here? It will help our site killers to get that domain closed down.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.

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