Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Clair Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:00 pm
I can't believe these sites are still up. They now have this on their page:
Warning! A Number of checks recently left this office with an erroneous message attached stating that the checks will expire on 11/07/08. This was due to a clerical error. These particular checks DO NOT expire. If a certified check is going to expire it must clearly state, “Void After” and then list the expiration date. This statement is not on the checks therefore they NO NOT expire.

by Rich77 Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:41 pm
I just got this check in the mail for $925....was kind of like wow till I googled it and its a dahm scam????WTF :evil: the economy is bad enough without Freaking scammers trying to take our hard-earned money from us, I'm just so ******that people still do this ****!!!! Thanks to this board Im one of the lucky hard- **** working folk that didn't get there money taken by these dirtbags so I thank you all that make this board availabe to the public... :=)

Chris Removed Surname - Ralph

that is a link to my facebook page were I posted it so my friends can be on the lookout as well hoping that they donot fall prey to this crazyness.... If it don't work here is a direct link to it Facebook page removed
by Ralph Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:08 pm
Hi Chris, I have made some edits to your post in order to protect your identity, we much prefer you to remain anonymous, you have a much lesser chance of being targeted by scammers that way.

Mentioning to your friends about scams via your facebook is great, public awarness makes a huge difference so well done.

Presuming you still have the cheque, you have 3 choices as to what to do with it;

Take it unopened (if you haven't already opened it, if you have with the envelope it came in) to your local police station who may possibly investigate.

Frame it and keep it as a reminder, if you do decide to keep it you should write in big letters "FAKE", if you dont do that and the police ever find it in your posession you can end up in trouble so best to be on the safe side.

The other option is to destroy it, tear it into small pieces and throw it in the bin.

My own opinion, I like option 2, if you show your family and friends you are raising awareness and perhaps saving them from being scammed.

Definately do not cash it or return.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask

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