Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Obi-Wan Knievel Thu Jul 31, 2008 4:59 pm
from Simon Nkono Ngu <nguandco>
reply-to [email protected]
subject compliment

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Simon Nkono Ngu and I have something good to share with you, Find attached a letter for my


I will be waiting for your urgent call /reply

Thank you and God Bless.

Simon Nkono Ngu.
[email protected]

Attached letter says...

Attention Dear,

Courtesy demands that i should introduce my humbly self to you, my names are. Barrister Nkono Ngu Principal partner Ngu & Co Law Firm, Web-site: www.nguandco.com

Solicitors And Advocates Of the Supreme court of Cameroon.

I am the Head Legal defense team of Former Chadian Leader who was previously giving asylum for war crimes in the republic of Senegal Mr.Hissene Habre.

My Client was first arrested in Senegal in February 2000 on charges of crimes against humanity and torture stemming from his 1982-1990 rule in Chad.

After Senegal refused to prosecute him in 2001 or to extradite him to Belgium in 2005, Senegal, on July 2, 2006 agreed to an African Union decision that Hissene Habre be put on trial in Senegal. On November 2, 2006 the Senegalese government announced the establishment of a commission to prepare the trial and the revision of its laws to permit such a trial.

My client is currently on trial for offences ranging from human right violation, to corruptly enriching himself while in power with a bid to make life meaningless to him after conviction.

The Commission Trial has not been very fair in line with the doctrine of Fair hearing / Natural justice. the trial is not only one sided but being pressured by his else while enemies out of malice. This will record the first injustice in the guise of justice in African soil meted out to a fellow African elder statesman out of malice.

Having gone through your profile as a reputable lawyers/ cum business mogul and colleague of outstanding record may i humbly seek your consent to stand as the rightful receiving beneficiay for transfer of the sum of £ 15 Million GBP. currently being deposited with a leading British bank by my client to avoid possible confiscation.

You stand to gain part of the fund as investment supervisor, 10% of the Principal sum have been mapped out for expenses to be incurred in cause of the transfer, while you will be reward with 25% of the Principal sum for your kind assistance.

I am looking forward to a favorable response from you to enable us put heads together on the best way to go along with this transaction.

Your Colleague in the Bar.

Nkono Ngu ESQ

[email protected]

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