Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by arcangel Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:01 am
Dienstag, den 13. Juli 2010, 4:11:07 Uhr
???? ????? ????? G?? ???? ??? FO??G??F?? ??? / ??S T???????
Mary Atif <[email protected]>
Zu Kontakten hinzufügen
An: . <[email protected]>


p?? e?ste s?µe?a, e?p??? ?t? ??a e??a? e?t??e? µe sa?;

? ap?fas?se? ?a ep????????se? µa?? sa?, ???? t?? pa???sa? ?at?stas?? µ??, e?? µ??? se µ?a ?d??t??? f??a????p??? ??????s? µe St Johns ?????s?a? ed? st? Bobo-Dioulasso ?p??????a F?s? ?a? p??se???µa? ?t? ? Te?? ?a a????e? t?? ?a?d?? s?? ?a ?ata???s??? ?a? ?a µ?? d?se? ?e??a ß???e?a? sa?

??µa? ??sete, ?a??? Mohamed Atif, 24 et??, f??t?t?? ?at?????, ? pat??a? µ?? e?????µ??? µ??µ?? µe t? ???µ? a??? ?. Mohamed Atif ? ?p???? ?ta? ? d?a?e???st?? µe t?? eta??e?a pet?e?a??? CNPC st? d????st???? ?a?t??µ st? S??d??, s??t????e ?at? µ???? t?? p?e???? µe t? µ?? a?ap?µ??? µ?t??a ?a? ? ???????e?? µa? sp?t? ????e ???s?e??? ap? t??? a?t??te? ?at? t? d????e?a t?? te?e?ta?a? ???s?? st? ???a µ??

Sa? ???f? t??a ap? t? Bobo-Dioulasso ?p??????a F?s?, ?p?? i d??f??a? µ?s? t?? ?d??, ?a? t??a p?? ??t??? ?s??? se µ?a ?d??t??? f??a????p??? ??????s? µe St Johns ?????s?a? ed? st? Bobo-Dioulasso ?p??????a F?s?, µp??e?te ?a ß?e?te pe??ss?te?e? t?? ?st???a? µ??, µe ta e??? ?st?se??da st? d?ad??t??

bbc http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6469857.stm e?d?se??

?ts?, e?µa? t??a se a?a??t?s? µ?a e???????? ?a? a???p?st? p??s?p? p?? ?a ß????se? ?a µ?? µetaf????? ap? a?t? t? st?at?ped? p??sf???? ??a µ?a ?a??te?? ??? ?a? ?a s??e??se? t?? sp??d?? µ??, ??? ep????e? ?a ep????????s??µe µa?? sa?, d??t? e?? p?ste?? e?ste ??a a???p?st? p??s?p? t? ?p??? de? ?a t??? af?s??µe µe ??t? ? p??d?se? t?? eµp?st?s??? µ??

???? ?t? µp??e? ?a a?a??t????ta? ??at? e?? e?µa? t?s? s??t?µa ?????ta? sa? ??a ??a a?t?, a??µ? ?a? ????? ?a ß??pe? ? ????????ta? p????? ?a??, p?a?µat??? ??t? µ?sa µ?? µ?? ??e? ?t? e?sa? ?a??? ?????p?? ?a? ?p???t? ?t? de? e?µa? ?????

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t?s? e??e???? ep?t???te µ?? ?a ???? t?? p????µ?a sa? ?a ß????sete eµ??a ?a? sa? ?p?s??µa? ?t? ?a e??a? p??ta ?µ??f? ?a? p?st?? ??a ?a sa?

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e??a??st? ?a? ? Te?? ?a sa? e????e?

????????? d???? sa?,



how are you today, I hope everything is alright with you?

i decided to contact you because of my present situation, i am staying in a private charity organization under St Johns Church here in Bobo-Dioulasso Burkina-Faso and i pray that God will touch your heart to understand and give me your helping hand

i am miss, Mary Mohamed Atif, 24 years old, a medical student, my father of blessed memory by name late Mr. Mohamed Atif who was the a manager with CNPC oil company at the Khartoum refinery in Sudan, was killed along side with my beloved mother and our family house burnt down by the rebels during the last crisis in my country

i am now writing you from Bobo-Dioulasso Burkina-Faso where i escaped through road, and now seeking asylum in a private charity organization under St Johns Church here in Bobo-Dioulasso Burkina-Faso, you can find more of my story through the following site on the net

bbc news http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6469857.stm

so i am now in search of an honest and reliable person who will help to relocate me from this refugee camp for a better life and to continue my studies, i have chosen to contact you because i believe you are a reliable person who will not let me down or betray my trust

i know you may wonder why i am so soon telling you about all this, even without seeing or knowing you fully well, really something in me tells me that you are a good person and i guess i am not wrong

briefly i will like to disclose little more about myself to you and see if you can help to relocate to your country so as to continue with my studies and have a new life, and please this is a little secrete and i plead with you to keep it to yourself alone until everything is properly arranged and executed, then i will come over to join you in your country

i have the sum of $5.2 Million as an inheritance from my late father which i will like to invest in your country with your help, the reason why i need your help is based on the instruction my late father gave to the bank to release the fund to me at the age of 24 through a foreigner who can help me to invest the fund wisely, and it has been my father’s desire for me to stay in a foreign country, so the bank will not release the fund to me without the help of a foreigner as my father instructed the bank

this fund is deposited in my late father's bank account with one of the banks here in Burkina-Faso and i am going to give you all the details / contact because i want the money to be transferred to your account before i come over to join you in your country, i need your urgent answer of your ability to handle this for me so that i will tell you the next step because i want to leave this refugee camp as soon as possible, life here is to me a hell, no love, no affection and no amenities, more importantly, i love my studies and here nothing is happening and people here are not friendly, i am really suffering in this place, it is too painful, but i hope with your help to transferring the fund in your account, i will have a better life to live

so kindly let me know your readiness to help me and i promise to always be nice and faithful to you

i hope to have your picture and your phone number so that we can talk through phone and i will also like to hear your voice

thanks and God bless you

sincerely yours,

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