Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Obi-Wan Knievel Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:33 pm
rom Franklin Smith <franklinsmith2001>
reply-to [email protected]

Franklin Smith
Manchester M27 5FX, United Kingdom.
This is to inform you that your funds of US$15 Million has been approved for immediate delivery to you.

You were made the beneficiary of the funds by a benefactor whose details will be made known to you after you receive the funds. This is in accordance with the Non Disclosure Agreement that was signed when the funds were being deposited.

I want to use this medium to assure you that the transaction is absolutely legal and 100% risk free as everything will be done in accordance with the law.

All documentations needed to back up the funds shall be duly and legally obtained so as to authenticate the fact that the funds are clean and has no links whatsoever with any form of illegality.

For the purpose of clarification,you are advised to reconfirm your Full Names,Direct Telephone Numbers,Physical Address with Zip Code so that there will be no error during the delivery of the funds to you in your country of residence.

Your quick response will be highly appreciated.
You are required to contact me directly with this email address for more briefing. [ [email protected] )
Frankin Smith

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