Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:58 am
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From: Mr Mike Johnson <[email protected]>
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Subject: Fund Release / Re: Change of Ownership of your $20.5 Million USD
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Fund Release / Re: Change of Ownership of your $20.5 Million USD

Atten: Beneficiary,

And be canadid to this message on urgent respond I wish to introduce
myself to you properly, as the new Appointed Fraud
Alert Department in United Nations Fund Release Department here in
Nigeria, I hereby send to you the information submitted in my desk
last week by Mr. Harrison Dung Lee of H. Dung Hong Kong Group Ltd,
with a letter of changing of funds ownership.

Mr. Harrison Dung confirmed to us that you instructed him to stand on
your behalf to receive your approved claims of $20.5 Million USD to
his Hong Kong
bank account.

This as a matter of urgency because we do not want to transfer the
$20.5 Million USD to wrong person especially now that there is so many
scam and fraudulent activities going on all over the word so we want
to know
first if you instructed the above name to receive your approved
$20.5 Million USD on your behalf.

You are required to verify the following information and inform us if you
are aware or know anything about this.

1) Did you instruct one Mr. Harrison Dung Lee of H. Dung & #166703;Hong Kong
Group Ltd, whose Information's is below, to claim and receive your
$20.5 Million USD?

2) Did you sign any " Change of Funds Ownership" in favor of Mr. Harrison
Dung Lee thereby making him the current beneficiary / to receive your
$20.5 Million USD with the following account details?

Bank Name: Standard Chartered Bank, ( Hong Kong )
Account Name: H. Dung &#166703;ong Kong Group Ltd
In Favor of: Mr. Harrison Dung Lee
Account # 114-1025567-8
Swift Code: SCBL 11K111

Finally, Advice if you sent Mr. Harrison Dung Lee and Co. mr james Newton
to receive your funds on your behalf, and if you have anything to do with
the above stated account, as I asked him to come back in a week time, and
if I do not hear from you till then, I will not have any choice than to
effect the payment in the name and account given to me.

Contact Person: Dr Ruben Ahmed
Email Adress : [email protected]
central Bank of Nigeria foreign payment Department unit.

Call him now on +234-2312 5452 and inform him that you received
a message from special Adviser Finance on contract matters, Federal
Republic of Nigeria, instructing you to call Dr Ruben Ahmed (CBN) for
the immediate release of your contract payment and forward your details to
his office to avoid transfer mistakes.We wait to hear from you soonest,
and be rest assured of our professional service.

With Best Regards
Dr.Mike Tunde Johnson
Special Adviser to the president on Finance and contract matters.

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Questions about scams? fraudatiocruor @ gmail.com to contact remove spaces

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