Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Breakwind Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:42 pm
From fofanah mohamed Tue Nov 10 10:51:41 2009
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Am Fofanah Mohamed a citizen of Sierra Leone.I have a box containing four million and twenty-five thousand united state dollars ($4,025.000.00) in Brussels International Airport in Belgium. My former beneficiary ( Mr Kelvin Stinson) came to Ghana to meet and discuss with the security company and ask the company to deliver the box to him in Belgium. All charges has been paid for, insurance, the demmurage Anti-Terrorist and Drug Certificate and custom charges and also for the shipment of the trunk box to Belgium.

I told Mr Kelvin Stinson that i will give him 25% percent of the total amount of four million and twenty-five thousand dollars in the trunk box, 5% percent for any expenses incurred when the trunk get to Brussels Airport, which he agreed but when the box get to Belgium, he called and told me that when he receives the consignment, he have to split the fund equally, so he will have to take 50% of the funds, which i refused and ask the shipping company to stop the delivery.

This is why i came to you to help me receive the truck box, so that i can come to you and leave with you and continue my studies and invest on my share.Now the trunk box is there in Belgium. Please get back to me so that i can give you the details of the diplomat there in Belgium.

Fofanah Mohamed.

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