Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Timon Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:20 am
i am from slovenia and i would like to order apple iphone from this site:
i would pay them through paypal.
can somebody tell me if this is scam or not?
thanks for help

by GomerPyle Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:31 am
See this thread


People who pay them money don't get any goods or their money back.

The website is a scam.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer
by GomerPyle Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:43 am
Thanks for the correct link JC :oops:

Undoubtedly a scam - and I try to be cautious in making such accusations, but I did a lot of research on this and would be happy to respond to anyone who challenges my assertion, though the website's track record speaks for itself.

I even went as far as putting in some orders myself, and the last thing they'll ever ask you to do is pay money into any account in the name of Mobile World Ltd, and it would be impossible to do that in the UK anyway, as that company already exists, and any bank that wishes to retain its banking license would have to check its credentials before any such account is allowed to operate. That's a legal obligation placed on UK banks, and woe betide any that don't do it.

If you try to buy goods from a company and they ask you to pay money to an account, not in its own name, then don't even think about going any further.

I only just noticed - it's a clone of the original


More versions


Website Server Data

# IP Address :
# Website Age : 0 years 10 days

One of their earlier versions using the name of TELECOMMUNICATIONS DIRECT LTD, but it's still in use



The scammer's must have the template stored on their pc and just keep uploading it under new domain names once each one gets exposed. There appears to be quite an industrious group behind this scam, with a little more sophistication than we normally see, but they aren't smart enough to get a proper job.

The hope is that the sort of people who Google for the best electronic deals, also Google to find out something about the people they're dealing with. Changing the domain name doesn't help the scammers much as they use the same company name, and changing that would entail a complete website revamp.

Maybe such flawed thinking is the reason why they can't hold down a proper job.

Update - beware, it seems that the are now operating under different names, and move quickly to scoop the cash and run.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer

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