Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:29 pm
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Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2010 08:31:36 -0300 (BRT)
Subject: FYA/From William Howell
From: "William R Howell" <[email protected]>
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I am William R. Howell, an Executive Member of the Audit and Compensation
Committee of ExxonMobil in London ( http://www.exxonmobil.co.uk). I have a
sensitive and private brief from the Senior Executives of this top oil
company in need of your partnership to re-profile funds amounting to
£50Million GBP. (Fifty Million British Pounds sterling).I will let you
have the details as you get back to me immediately, the fund shall be paid
to you through our operating financial institution where it is presently
deposited as soon as the legalization and documentation process is
concluded in your name.

I feel quite safe dealing with you in this business proposition
although,thismedium(Internet)has been greatly abused,I choose to reach you
through it because it still remains the fastest,surest and most secured
medium of communication.However,this Correspondence is unofficial and
private, and it should be treated as such.I wish to inform you that this
letter is not a hoax or Scam mail and I urge you to treat it with the
seriousness it deserves. I also guarantee you that this deal is hitch free
from all what you may think of,Following my idea that we can have a
deal/agreement and I am going to do this legally with your name as the
bonafide beneficiary of the amount in question by employing the service of
a UK accredited attorney, who will handle all the legal documentations and
lay claims through his legal authority on your behalf.

Listen 40% of this money will be for you,in respect to the provision of a
foreign account and 50% for me as i have planned to come to your Country
as soon as the transfer is completed.

My Conditions:

1) The sum of ?50M only will be transfered into your account after the
processing of all relevant legal documents with your name as the bonafide
beneficiary,the transfer will be made by telegraphic
Transfer(T/T),conformable in 7 working days.

2)This deal must be kept secret forever, and all correspondence will be
strictly by email/telephone, for security purposes.

3)There should be no third parties as most problem associated with your
fund release are caused by your agents or representative. If you Agree
with my conditions,i will advise you on what to do immediately and the
transfer will commence without delay as I will proceed to fix your name on
the Payment schedule instantly to meet the 7 working days mandate.

I hope you don't reject this offer and have this fund transferred.

Waiting for your reply soon.

Yours Faithfully,
William R. Howell.

Questions about scams? fraudatiocruor @ gmail.com to contact remove spaces

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