Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ralph Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:51 am
This email comes from [email protected] an account that there is no way of finding where it came from but I very strongly doubt it came from Iraq and it definately did not come from from a US Marine.

I have done a search to show other examples of scammers using that name, the results can be seen by Clicking Here

The following email was accompanied by 2 very small pictures, one a trunk box of cash which happens to be the same boxes of cash as one we allready have posted here


The other picture is a very small thumbnail picture of a US Marine on duty which I will not be posting

Dear Friend,
Let me start by introducing myself. I am
Captain David Dukeman of the US marine forces
currently serving in Iraq. My troops were deployed
here in Iraq since the start of the war, though I have
visited home thrice since then. Just last week Tuesday
we received an urgent call from Baghdad that some
terrorists were camping there and my troops were sent
there to forestall their activities. On perceiving our
presence, they first opened attack on us. There was
nothing we could do rather than return fire. We were
really under heavy fire. Finally, we brought the
situation under control and some of them fled, 6 were
killed and we were able to arrest 11 of them alive.
When I was interrogating one of them, whom I got to
know was their leader, to see if he could give us more
useful information. After series of intense
interrogation, he promised to show us where they kept
their weapons.I took some of my men and went there not
too far from karbala here in Iraq. When we alighted
from our mobile units, he took us straight to a
deserted building where inhabitants had vacated for
long because of the war.Later, he took us to a
particular room inside the building where Guns and
Bombs were kept. I ordered my boys to search the other
rooms. About 5 minutes later, one of them came back
and took me to one of the rooms where there were five
(5) trunk boxes. I opened them and to my amazement,
there were loaded with US dollars. I was confused, I
ordered him not to show or tell anybody about it and
we all returned to our base. At night of the same day,
I took one of my men who found the boxes and we went
back there. We counted the money and they all amounted
to $14million in $100 bills. Now, I need your help to
transfer this money because I want it to be in safe
hands. I want you to give me your name, contact
address and bank account number so that I can send the
money there for keeps. You will be given 30%, my boy
who found the money will have 20% while I have the
rest. I will come down there immediately you cash it
for the sharing. Please, endeavor to keep this
information secret. Don't disclose it to anybody for
security reasons and to protect my interest with the
US marine forces.I will take pictures/photos of the
said trunk boxes filled with money for confirmatory
Best regards,
Captain. Dukeman

This is of course a scam as are any of the other offers to remove Saddams millions from Iraq

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