Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Sat Aug 14, 2010 7:09 pm
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From: "Venessa K. Booysens" <[email protected]>
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                       This is Venessa Kathryn Booysens from South Africa, based in Cote d'Ivoire but presently in the hospital in USA, therefore this mail is very urgent because I was told by the doctor that I have a lung and breast cancer and can only live for some months.

    I inherited some money (US$18.121 Million) from my late husband Mr. Daniel Booysenss and I don't have any issue to inherit the money, therefore have decided to donate it for God's work and charity project.
            I want you to contact my house helper with this information's below:
                                      Mr Augustin Maranatha.
                   Address: Rue De Gabon, Ave 12 Treichville,
                                     Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire.
                               Email: [email protected]
    He will give you the documents of the money and will direct you to lawyer that I have appointed for this project, the lawyer will assist you to change the documents of the money to your name to enable the bank transfer the money to you.
           This is the favor I need when you have gotten the money :-
(1) Give 10% of the money to my house helper, Mr Augustin Maranatha as he has been there for me throughout my illness and I promised to support him in life. I want you to take him along with you to your country and establish him as my son.
                    (2) Give 50% of the money to Charity Organizations and Churches and Orphanage homes on  my name as a vow which I made before the Lord so that my soul may rest in peace.
        This should be a code between you and Mr Augustin "Hospital" any mail from him, the barrister he will direct you to, without this code "Hospital" is not from the barrister, Augustin or myself as I don't know what will happen to me in the next few hours and the boy is little to handle this matter alone.
(3)  Request  the lawyer's international passport, he is from Kenya and Let Augustin send you his National ID as he has no passport to be sure of whom you are dealing with. Augustin is so little therefore guide him.
           He will also send you my personal documents which I have already sent to him from hospital here in USA.
And if I don't hear from you within few days, I will look for another person.
                 May God bless you and use you to accomplish my wish.

                                            Pray for me always.
                                    Venessa Kathryn Booysens.
                                        Thank you Holy Father.

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