Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:15 am
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Permit me to introduce my very self to you. In fact I am Jennifer Adams the only child of late Dr Rechard Adams who was the director general of cocoa export corporation of Cote D'ivoire and was killed by the rebel forces here in my country cote d'ivoire during a political war at the same time with the former military president General ROBERT GUEI.
While my father was rushed to the hospital unconsious due to the torture and bullet wounds he quickly sent for me as the only born dauther before his untimely death.Meanwhile he told me all about this (Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand Dallars),he deposited here in a bank in Cote D'ivoire for future investiment on my name as next of kin.
I am afraid of my life and the safety of this money is not guaranteed in any way,
because the political war that brought the untimely death of my beloved father has not come to end yet.
The people who killed my father is in search of me.I ran away to hide somewhere,in one of the private hotel here in my country and not free to move around.
1-Rebels never come in agreement with the existing government .
2-Rebels refused to drop their arms for peace to hold and now the campaign of presidential election, president elect is on couple with the political WAR.
My life and this money is not save if I remain here in my country.This made the Bank director to advice me to look for a GOD fearing and honest foreign partner whom this money can be transfered to his account for investment in his country.
PLEASE I want you to assist me get this money transfered to your private nominate bank account in your country and I will travel out of my country entirely to join you
immediately,after when my total money is creddited to your bank account and also you shall look for good investment so that I can invest this money wisely and continue my education and life there with you.There will be legal proof in all about this
transaction of Transfer to you.
I have agreed to give you 15% of the total amount and extra 1% maped out for any expenses you might make like,telephone calls,e.t.c,during the time of transfer. finaly I got your contact through my dilligent search for a trust worthy person to
assist me achieve a sustainable future.
Awaiting for your urgent respond,
Thank's and GOD bless you,
Jennifer Adams.

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