Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by klee18 Sat Aug 21, 2010 9:01 am
I was looking on Craigs List and saw someone selling 2 Iphone 4s for £200 each. As my fiances birthdays coming up i thought it was ideal and emailed them to find out more. I asked alot of questions like why was he selling them so cheap in which he replyed taking his twins on holiday, had been saving for ages and needed some quick cash for spending money. I later asked how did he get the iphone 4s in the first place if he'd been saving for a holiday. He said he and his wife had free upgrades and they didn't get on with touchscreens and choose the most expensive for more spending money. After a couple of hours of talking i decided he sounded genuine and asked him for his bank details so i could send the money straight over, he was abit hesitant as he'd said he'd been scammed on ebay by nigerians before. However he gave me it and i sent the money that night. I emailed him the next day and asked if he sent them he said he was on his way uptown. Then later emailed to say should be here next day or day after. Well its been 4 days today and i dont know whether to just wait to see if there just late. I've tried emailing him but he did say he was going to majorca on wednesday so i've had no reply. What should i do?

by Arnold Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:16 am
Welcome to Scamwarners.
I think all you can do at the moment, is to give him a few more days. There's nothing here that I can say is a scam. Which doesn't mean it's genuine of course.
Did he give you his name and address that you can check against the phone number? If it's a landline, that is.
Can you give us the link to the Craigslist advert?

by klee18 Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:31 am
Thanks Arnold, He only gave me his name and account details. The advert has been removed now. I don't really know how long it does take for delivery's to arrive. So ill wait a little longer.

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