Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:11 pm
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Call And Contact Them Immediately.

Attn;My Dear Friend,This is to inform you that this Head office of WesternUnion was instructed to pay your Fund US$1.2

million U.S.A dollars byUnited Nations.

TheUnited Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 afterthe Second World War by 51 countries committed to

maintaininginternational peace and security,developing friendly relations amongnations and promoting social progress, better

living standards andhuman rights. Due to its unique international character, and the powersvested in its founding Charter,

the Organization can take action on awide range of issues,and provide a forum for its 192 Member States toexpress their

views, through the General Assembly, the SecurityCouncil, the Economic and Social Council and other bodies andcommittees.
Betweennow until end of the next month. per day you will receive the sum of$5,500 us dollars,However be informed that we have

already send the sumof $5,500 dollars this morning to avoid cancellation of your paymentyou have only 24 hours to call this

office upon the receipt of thisemail the maximum amount you will be receiving per a day starting fromtoday is $5,500 in three

different payments and the Money TransferControl Number of today is below.

Senders Name; HENRY IWUEKE
MTCN: 4900166870
Amount: US$5,500.00 US DOLLARS.
Text Question ; HENRY
Text Answer ; IWUEKE
You should Type WWW.western union.com and Track the money by clicking the TRACK and You shall see the $5,500.00.Available For

Pick up by receiver which is you.

Presently, the above payment is on hold pending when you pay them your non-resident tax clearance fees of $155 only.
Furthermoreyou advised to call as the instruction was passed that within 24 hourswithout hearing from you.Count your payment

canceled.You should Contactthe Director with this Information's Below to enable him direct you how to pay the $155.
Contact Person; MR ERIC COLLE.
E-mail Address;  [email protected]
Telephone number; +229 97224575.
Cotonou Benin-Republic.

Thanks,and my regards,

Mr Mike Kojo.

Questions about scams? fraudatiocruor @ gmail.com to contact remove spaces

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