Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by aga18 Sat May 01, 2010 12:15 pm
Again me, i found another scam :D

I hope my mail meets you in good state of health... I am Raymond Collins, 40
years of age from United Kingdom. I am a Consultant Contractor and I
reside at #32 Darwin Close, London, N11 1TA , U.K. As part of the information you
may require, I have a 3 years old wonderful and interesting to be with twins
namely Peter and Paul . Due to the nature of my work and the unexpected transfer of my wife to Portugal, I hardly have time for my lovely Kids which prompted an idea of seeking an Au Pair/Nanny. After scrolling through your profile, both myself and my wife considers you worthy of the job vacancy in my home as a
substitute for my departed wife.

Your duties includes taking the kids to school/bringing them back home, play
with them, go to Museums, Playground, Cinema Hall, prepare/fix their meals and
snacks. You will have your Private Room which consist of Air-Conditional,
Television, 12 hours Internet Access and a Telephone to keep you in touch with
your friends, families and maybe relatives as often as you may desire, a
Bathroom and Toilet. You will have Saturdays and Sundays as your off
days, so to enable you have enough time for yourself otherwise, you will be paid for extra
services. As for your salary, I will be willing to pay you 1,400 Pounds for
every 4 weeks and a pocket fee of 200 Pounds weekly which I suppose should be
enough for your primary needs. Regards my family pictures, I will send
some upon request.

With all due respect, I will be hoping to hear from you as soon as possible if
interested at the said position. Bye for now and may the gentle breeze of all
moment blow cool memory into your brain, Amen!

Warmest regards,
Raymond Collins & Family.
Email: [email protected]
Phone Number: +44 702 406 1679

by delphineb92 Sat May 01, 2010 12:53 pm
I received another mail but i don't know if it's a scam

I hope my mail meets you in good state of health... I am Raymond Collins, 40
years of age from United Kingdom. I am a Consultant Contractor and I
reside at #32 Darwin Close, London, N11 1TA , U.K. As part of the information you
may require, I have a 3 years old wonderful and interesting to be with twins
namely Peter and Paul . Due to the nature of my work and the unexpected transfer of my wife to Portugal, I hardly have time for my lovely Kids which prompted an idea of seeking an Au Pair/Nanny. After scrolling through your profile, both myself and my wife considers you worthy of the job vacancy in my home as a
substitute for my departed wife.

Your duties includes taking the kids to school/bringing them back home, play
with them, go to Museums, Playground, Cinema Hall, prepare/fix their meals and
snacks. You will have your Private Room which consist of Air-Conditional,
Television, 12 hours Internet Access and a Telephone to keep you in touch with
your friends, families and maybe relatives as often as you may desire, a
Bathroom and Toilet. You will have Saturdays and Sundays as your off
days, so to enable you have enough time for yourself otherwise, you will be paid for extra
services. As for your salary, I will be willing to pay you 1,400 Pounds for
every 4 weeks and a pocket fee of 200 Pounds weekly which I suppose should be
enough for your primary needs. Regards my family pictures, I will send
some upon request.

With all due respect, I will be hoping to hear from you as soon as possible if
interested at the said position. Bye for now and may the gentle breeze of all
moment blow cool memory into your brain, Amen!

Warmest regards,
Raymond Collins & Family.
Email: [email protected]
Phone Number: +44 702 406 1679


Received: by with SMTP id y16cs132884wem;
Sat, 1 May 2010 07:55:53 -0700 (PDT)
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Sat, 01 May 2010 07:55:52 -0700 (PDT)
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From: "Raymond Collins" <[email protected]>
Reply-To: "Raymond Collins" <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 01 May 2010 07:55:51 -0700
Mime-Version: 1.0
by Chris Fuller Sat May 01, 2010 1:45 pm
Yes, that is a scam.


This is an IP address of the Internet Service Provider Visafone Communications Ltd of Lagos, Nigeria, showing that the email was sent from a computer in Nigeria.

You'll notice also that the phone number begins +44 70. This is not a normal UK telephone number, but a Redirect number. When you dial this number, the call is redirected to the location of the holder of this number, anywhere in the world. In this case, it will presumably redirect to the mobile phone of the sender of the email, in Nigeria.
by arcangel Sun May 09, 2010 9:29 am
Sure, nobody would pay so much money. If someone promises such aamount of salary, you can be sure it's a scam.
by GomerPyle Sun May 09, 2010 12:18 pm
Another hint is the mention of air-conditioning ahead of central heating. Clearly a hint at the scammer's climate not the UK's. We have air-conditioning - it's called the weather. It's not unknown and quite common in office blocks, but a bit unnecessary in homes. Overnight temperatures are currently hovering just above freezing. If you want it cooler than that, a walk in fridge would be better. :laugh-s:

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer
by Ralph Sun May 09, 2010 10:35 pm
Also note that it is called "air conditional", while those enjoying the UK climate may not have much need for air conditioning, they still know what it's called.

"You will have your Private Room which consist of Air-Conditional"

It is also worth pointing out how common that particular line is in these scams, isolating only the ones that are posted here at Scamwarners and doing an exact search on that lines gives you over 100 hits.
Right click and open this link in a new window to see the search result showing the exact wording in many scams.

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