Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by rocky2010 Wed Sep 08, 2010 11:27 am

Early morning my friend came to me and borrowing money ,she said she will send the amount to the May bank in Malaysia to release her fund.
I read all the email of her lover... the story goes like this.
His name is Mark with an email add. [email protected] and with a telephone number 447031747962.
according to the email mark send a parcel using Fedelink couerier service it includes laptop,jewellry and money.

after how many days the said courier e-mailed my friend and telling her that the parcel was keep on hold because its illegal to send money through the parcel and they are asking money for the charges as long as she will pay the charges to the custom they will send the parcel door to door. my friend send the said charges.
after how many days they are asking money again because of some reason.

to make the story short,they keep the parcel in the bank name May bank in Malaysia Kuala lumpur for safety.
now the bank will not release the parcel if my friend will not pay the charges.

My friend did she go to Malaysia now and meet Antonia Binti Ali the remittance manager of May bank Dr. Zuma Ambrosio the agent.

by GomerPyle Wed Sep 08, 2010 11:53 am
Your friend has been told a pack of lies and none of it is true. The people she is dealing with are scammers and they'll just keep asking her to send money until she has none left or her friends won't lend her any more.

No respectable company, and certainly not a bank or internationally renowned courier company, will tell anyone that they will overlook an illegal transaction against payment of a 'bribe'.

Actually, the minute you quoted a 44 70 telephone number it was recognisable as a scam, because that's a UK redirect telephone number favoured by scammers. It appears to be located in the UK but really just diverts calls to anywhere in the world.

The account your friend will be paying money to will be a personal account, not an account operated as a company account of the bank. Banks do have them. I used to work for one, and they would never allow an employee to receive money intended for the bank into their personal account. Any staff member doing that would be sacked and get interviewed by the police.

There is no parcel and the only money is what your friend pays them. Lending her money will only make you a victim too.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer
by David Jansen Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:24 pm
Welcome here Rocky2010

You were writing 'her lover' so i presume she is dealing with a love scammer. Please read this here: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=25
It will explain love scams. If there is any chance that your friend wants to listen to your advice, please ask her to take a look on this forum, especially the topic where the link is for. Your friend is probably in love with this scammer, whoever he pretends to be, and there is a good chance she won't listen to reason. If you need help for your friend, please ask here.

Being a victim doesn't mean you stand alone. We're here to help you.
by Arnold Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:05 pm
How was she told to send the money? It's usually Western Union or Moneygram, and money sent that way is gone for good.
I'm worried by the fact that she's trying to borrow money from you, as it suggests she has already sent him more than she can afford. You have to say no. She needs your support, but not to the extent of your money going to the scammer as well.

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