Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by woolycloud Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:39 am

Hello, I am Mr. John Wallace Koomson, Head of the Accounts Section of the Ministry of Finance, Ghana. The Board of the ministry hereby bring to you, noticed of your compensation / inheritance payment of One Million Two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ($1,200. 000.00S). After the meeting held on Tuesday 10th of August 2010. His Excellence the president of the Republic of Ghana, professor John E. A. Mills instructed the remittance department of Western Union Money Transfer (Globalaccess Ltd) here in Accra Ghana, to without any further delays, commence transfers to you immediately, to avoid you paying money to any fraudulent characters.

Please take note. You are required to contact the remittance department immediately so that they can swing the transfers into immediate action.

Dr. Michael Akuffo
Remittance Director
Western Union Money Transfer (Globalaccess Ltd.)
tel - +2332 6703 8068
Email: [email protected]

Please do let me have every details of your dealings with them, as I need to make a situation report to the Government as soon as you have started receiving your money. So feel free to forward to me all your correspondence with Western Union. Once again, congratulations in advance.

Mr. John Wallace Koomson,
Head of the Accounts Section
Ministry of Finance Ghana.

Changed subject line to the names and address the scammer is using - CF

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