Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Gateway Thu Sep 23, 2010 12:50 pm
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Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 21:15:36 +0200 (CEST)
From: "Charles Brown" <[email protected]>
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Charles Brown Attorney At Law
London, England

On behalf of my late client,Rev.Shawn Hagan , I write to notify you that my late client Rev.Shawn Hagan made you a beneficiary to the bequest sum of Twenty million dollars only ($20,000,000.00)The trustees of this Will wish to inform you that the Will was read at the British Crown Court probate division on the 10th of Sep, 2010 as the law provides and ready for execution.

You are therefore required by this notification to confirm your ownership to this legacy by providing the information required.

1. Full Name:
2. Telephone number/cell
3. Fax number
4. Age:
5. Contact address:
6. Occupation:

Charles Brown
Attorney At Law

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

How to get E-Mail Headers

by jolly_roger Fri Sep 24, 2010 1:56 pm
Hi Gateway
Well, well,well !
It appears the very naughty attorney is still participating in fraudulent activities!!!
From the page at, http://www.hotscams.com/articles/419-sc ... llion.html comes his previous effort from 2007.

Fake Names: Charles Brown
Offer Type: Money Transfer
Transfer Amount: $18million (You get 35%, WOW)
Storyline: A rich man died during an air crash, together with his wife and 3 kids.
Scammer Location: Claims to be a Canadian Attorney based in UK
Scammer Email: [email protected]

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Brown [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2007 7:11 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Lucrative Proposal


I am Mr. Charles Brown, a Canadian attorney based in Manchester,
United Kingdom and the personal attorney to Late Mr. Mark Michelle, a
French National. Late Mr. Mark Michelle until his untimely death was a
private oil consultant/contractor with the British Petroleum Company,
hereinafter shall be referred to as my client.

On the 3rd day of January 2004, my client and his wife along with
their three children were among the victims of Boeing 737 Egyptian
Airliner that crashed into the Red Sea. You can read more about the
crash by visiting this website:

Presently, the deceased has a deposit valued at
US$18,000,000.00(Eighteen Million United States Dollars) and the bank
has issued me an official notification to provide his next of kin or
beneficiary. Since I could not locate any of my late client’s
relatives for over three (3) years now, I am seeking your consent to
present you as the next of kin/beneficiary to the deceased so that the
proceeds of this account would be released to you.

I have worked out plan for achieving my aim of appointing a next of
kin as well as transferring the money abroad for us to share in the
ratio of 50% for me, 35% for you, and we shall collectively donate 10%
to any Charity organization, while 5% will be set aside for any
incurable expenses both local and international.

The money transfer paperwork will include a Certificate of origin so
that the receiving bank does not ask questions. The paperwork will
also include proper certificate that the fund being transferred is
from non-criminal sources.

The transaction is guaranteed to succeed without any problem. All I
need is your trust and confidence. Provide me with these information:

(1) Your phone and fax numbers.
(2) Your complete location address.

As soon as I hear from you, I shall provide you with further
clarifications that you may need to know.

I look forward to receiving your response.


Mr. Charles Brown

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