Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Jillian Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:55 pm
This is a more clever than usual format for a "Next of Kin" version of advance fee fraud. It's still an attempt at fraud, however, and not very clever of the scammer to have sent it to the administrator account here. :wink:

from Fraser Solicitors LLP < [email protected] >
reply-to [email protected]

to administrator @ scamwarners.com

date Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 6:28 PM
subject Re: Information About Your Family Tree

Ref: Information About Your Family Tree - Final Notice!
This is our second but final attempt to reach you in view of this subject matter.
Hence, when someone dies without leaving a will and there's no known relative to inherit, Her Majesty's Treasury receives the money. Unless, a previously unknown distant relative; a descendant from the same ancestor is found within a limited timeframe to claim the inheritance as laid out in section 46 of the Administration of Estates Act of 1925 (with subsequent amendments).
After an extensive genealogical research effort, we are pleased to inform you that a dormant termed deposit bank account with your family name on it has been traced. The account which belongs to a deceased customer of the bank has a substantial amount of money in it now tagged "unclaimed funds" which you are legally entitled to. The money is yours (or your family's), not the bank's or the Government's. It's legally yours on positive proof of your identity being a distant relative of the deceased on forth degree ("statutory legacies"), a descendant from the same ancestor before the bank is compelled by law to hand the money to the government.
In compliance with standard requirements of the federal disclosure and privacy laws which prohibit us from revealing certain privileged information without due process, we intentionally left out certain information which we deemed proprietary at this point and to enable us double-check our record and ensure that you are indeed the addressee of this letter, we need you to reconfirm your information by providing us with proof of your identity; your full names (no initial please); your date of birth; your current occupation; contact address and your telephone/fax numbers.
Trust our several years of legal experience to work for you as we partner our vast knowledge with a dedication to building long-term relationships with you based on mutual trust and respect. Our reputation for client satisfaction is based on our track record of success and I am currently in the process of preparing a Contingent Fees Retainer Agreement for this matter and will forward this agreement to you upon confirmation of the above information and proof of your identity.
Important Note: our initial consultation is free, yes, it's free but we will charge a contingency fee of 25% of any sum recovered from the bank. Which means you will not pay us a penny unless we recover money for you and you owe it to yourself and your family at least to explore this rare life changing opportunity.
In conclusion therefore, it might interest you to know that in a recent statistical report, there is currently £15.3 billion in unclaimed assets in the UK financial system. Around £5 billion is in dormant accounts, with around £3 billion each in pensions, National Savings and shares with accumulated dividends and £1 billion of unclaimed insurance policies. This is because many people invest without telling their spouse or next of kin, who has no idea what to look for when they die. Or they forget to claim on; other people died intestate without a will or known next of kin. Some forget about, or lose track of, deposits of money in bank and building society accounts. However, with the total of unclaimed money rising faster than people claiming, it is projected that in the year 2020 there could be as much as £40 billion of unclaimed money and aging population is also adding more significantly to this number.
Contact this law office immediately for more information and to begin the legal process of redeeming your lawful entitlement as authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Services Authority (FSA) before the bank is compelled by law to hand over the money to the government.
We welcome this opportunity to better serve you.
Thank you.
Mr. David K. Fraser,
Managing Partner
Fraser Solicitors LLP
London, United Kingdom
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