Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Samantha Tue Oct 19, 2010 2:34 pm

FROM: DR. Larry Kont


This letter is from World Fund Discovery Management And Payment Bureau
newly invented by the World Financial Service Authority United States Of
America/United Kingdom.This body was set up to discover an outstanding
unpaid fund being owned to Governments or Individuals all over the world
through Contract Payment, Inheritance and Lottery Winning Prize Awards.It
will interest you to know that we have discovered an outstanding unpaid/
unclaimed sum of money in favor of your name and a mandate has been given
to this body World Fund Discovery Management And Payment Bureau to ensure
that this fund gets to you without any delay.Note that a special payment
arrangement has been made to deliver this fund to you through diplomatic
means of payment or Alternatively come in person to any of our payment
Offices in Europe, America or Asia.

You are advised to furnish this office with your contact information to
enable us open up communication with you regarding the release of your
fund immediately.

Your Full Name _________________
Your Complete Address: _____________________________
Name of City of Residence: ____________________
Date of Birth (Day/Month/Year): ____________________
Direct Telephone Number:_____________________
mobile ____________________________
Number: _______________________________________
Fax Number: ____________________________________


Yours Truly,

Dr. Larry Kont
Director: World Fund Discovery Management And Payment Bureau.[UK]
Alt. E-mail: [email protected]
Direct Tel: +44-704-571-0240.

by jolly_roger Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:32 pm
Hi Samantha
At the end of the above post, a phone number is given.
The same 44-704-571-0240 can be seen at, http://scamoftheday.com/wordpress/2010/ ... -please-2/
...and also this effort has the same number too.
From: “Dr Ben Tom”<[email protected]>
Reply-To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Attn: Please,
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 03:23:55 +0100
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ttn: Please,

We wish to notify you again that you were listed as an Heir to the total sum of Five Million British Pounds.

A regular mail was dispatched to you but yet no reply from you. We request you to kindly acknowledge officially or call to enable us process your inheritance.

Yours truly,
Ben Tom

South Wales UK.
Call +44-704-571-0240

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