by chevyk10darlin
Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:46 pm
Reply-To address: [email protected]
Subject: hello
Scammer's Name: Prince Nolly
Hello Friend,
Now what we need to do to achieve success in this business is just TRUST.
The deceased Mr. Yuan Baojing was my client and before he was convicted and executed by the Chinese Government for murder in March 17, 2006, he had a coded account with my bank that he operated secretly with an Indonesian business associate. Below is a helpful web link that will enable know more about the deceased. ... 315137.htm
I and the account officer to this account are aware of this account which
contains the sum of $84,000.000.00. EIGHTY FOUR MILLION US DOLLARS and I have decided to let you have 20% of the total sum of money. I will let you know the bank name that I work, more about me and how we can commence this business as soon as I get a positive response from you with the answers to the questions I have asked below.
For us to move ahead with this transaction, I will need to know more about
you. I will need you to kindly provide me with a brief profile of yourself
for my confidence, a kind of back ground introduction. Are you married, do
you have children, what you do you do and how old are you??? As soon as I
hear back from you, I will provide you with a more detailed explanation of
this business.
Have a pleasant day as I wait to hear back from you shortly.
Best regards,
Subject: hello
Scammer's Name: Prince Nolly
Hello Friend,
Now what we need to do to achieve success in this business is just TRUST.
The deceased Mr. Yuan Baojing was my client and before he was convicted and executed by the Chinese Government for murder in March 17, 2006, he had a coded account with my bank that he operated secretly with an Indonesian business associate. Below is a helpful web link that will enable know more about the deceased. ... 315137.htm
I and the account officer to this account are aware of this account which
contains the sum of $84,000.000.00. EIGHTY FOUR MILLION US DOLLARS and I have decided to let you have 20% of the total sum of money. I will let you know the bank name that I work, more about me and how we can commence this business as soon as I get a positive response from you with the answers to the questions I have asked below.
For us to move ahead with this transaction, I will need to know more about
you. I will need you to kindly provide me with a brief profile of yourself
for my confidence, a kind of back ground introduction. Are you married, do
you have children, what you do you do and how old are you??? As soon as I
hear back from you, I will provide you with a more detailed explanation of
this business.
Have a pleasant day as I wait to hear back from you shortly.
Best regards,