Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:57 pm
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Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 12:45:11 -0200
From: Mrs Doris Kitta <[email protected]>
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Subject: Please Help Me Out
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Please Help Me Out,

I am writing this mail to you With due respect trust and humanity, i appeal to you to exercise a little patience and read through my letter i feel quite safe dealing with you in this important business having gone through your remarkable profile, honestly i am writing this email to you with pains, tears and sorrow from my heart, i will really like to have a good relationship with you and i have a special reason why i decided to contact you, i decided to contact you due to the urgency of my situation, My name is Miss Doris Kitta, 21yrs old female  from Ivory Coast in Africa.

MY Father was General Robert Kitta. The  former military head of states of Ivory Coast. My late father, mother and other family members of Aide-de-Camp (ADC) on accusation of a coup plot attempt. my father was shot to death including my My mother. After the death of my late father, the opposition part who took over there government confiscated all my late fathe r ’s assets lands, buildings, but him not no that my father deposited money in the bank. Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected to have been masterminded by his uncle, who traveled with him at that moment. Before his last breath in the hospital he told me in confidence the amount of $ 8.5 Million (eight million five hundred thousand U.S. dollars) he deposited in a bank here in Ivory Coast.Currently, this fund is being protected under the custody of the bank.

I have chosen to contact you after my prayers and I believe that you will not betray  my trust. But rather take me as your own blood sister. Though you may wonder why I am so soon revealing myself to you without knowing you, well, I will say that my mind convinced me that you are the true person to help me. More so, I will like to disclose much to you if you can help me to relocate to your country because my uncle has threatened to assassinate me. The amount is $8.5 Million and I have confirme d from the bank. You will also help me to place the money in a more profitable business venture in your Country.

However, you will help by recommending a nice University in your country so that I can complete my studies.  It is my intention to compensate you with 15% of the total money for your services and the balance shall be my capital in your establishment. As soon as I receive your interest in helping me, I will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above, I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this transaction sincerely. Please do keep this only to your self. I beg you not to disclose it till i come over because I am afraid of my wicked uncle who has threatened to kill me.

Once I receive your message I will give you more information vital to this transaction, such as the contact database. Any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing another person for this same purpose . P lease assure me that you will act accordingly as I described here.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Miss Kitta Doris.

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