Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by David Jansen Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:58 pm
This is a western union scam, where the scammer makes it appear that there is money waiting for you to be send. It just takes a fee to release it. But after you payd, there will be more fees to be payd, and you never see your money. Don't fall for this scam!
From: Mr peter J <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 2:05 PM
Subject: RE:Your Payment by western union head office!!!!!

Attn; Beneficiary:

The Board of International Monetary Fund/World Bank and Federal Ministry of Finance Benin Republic are here to notify you of your payment inherited funds of $1.2M USD have arranged to be transfer to you through HEADQUARTER WESTERN UNION SERVICE After the meeting held on 12th of OCTOBRE 2010. with His Excellence the PRESIDENT OF REPUBLIC DU BENIN (DR YAYI BONI) to avoid paying money to the fraud stars that is going on through the global or fraud stars Bankers, and you are required to reconfirm your name and address were you want your fund to be send through HEADQUARTER WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER.

The maximum amount you will be receiving each day starting from tomorrow is the sum of US$5000.00.until the total fund is finished. In order to resolve this problem, please email Western Union Money Transfer Solicitors Fund Verification Department:

And We have already transfer your first $5000.00 so Contact Foreign Operation Manager western union DR. BEN TOM, for re-new and reconfirm of your file and He will also send you M.T.C.N for your picking up your first $5000.00 with info below.

E-mail: ([email protected])
phone; +229-984-868-53 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +229-984-868-53 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Yours in service.
Mr.Peter Finance Minister.
Federal Republic of Benin,

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