Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by razamataz Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:35 pm
pls..somebody help me.. I received this email few weeks ago..
as I've read some topics here..I've seen some similarities.. is this also a scam?


Dear applicant,

STA Travel is a global travel specialist with 30 years experience helping students,caregiver, young professionals and teachers travel the world. We offer a unique range of products with exclusive discounts on airfare, accommodations, tours, rail passes and more. Globally we are present in 50 countries with 400 retail locations, sending over 6 million travelers away each year. STA Travel Management wishes to thank you for contacting us regarding the arrangement of your Traveling Documents to the United Kingdom. We promise to Offer you the best which you will be Glad you did. It was Indicated in your E-mail that you have been told by your Host Family who asked you to contact us. We promise never to disappoint you as we have never disappointed him either. We would request that you provide us with the following so that the Documentation will start immediately. We would get your Visa within 4weeks as soon as we receive the information from you.

- Full Name:

-Mailing Address:

-Phone Number:


-Passport Photo page:

-Date of Birth(Month/Day/Year)

-Your International Passport Number:

-Issue and Expiry date:

-Place of issue:


-Marital Status

All Documents will be processed and arranged here in our Office after which will be forwarded to the British Embassy along with your Flight Ticket. Also, some Copies of this Document(s) will be sent to you.We would provide to you with this E-mail a Copy of the U.K Visa application Form which you are going to fill and get it back to us with a scanned copy of your recent Passport Photo.

We will begin in earnest once we receive all necessary Details.


Our International office Address

1218 Velar,
Mission Viejo,

123 Auriel Avenue
wuse, Abuja
West Africa

In anticipation of your response.

Yours Faithfully,

Mr.Robert Thompson

Head of Visa Procurement

British Airways Plane

by GomerPyle Sat Oct 30, 2010 4:37 pm
Yes, it's a scam.

There is an unmistakable style to Nigerian 419 mails. You cannot obtain a UK visa the way he suggests and it requires a personal interview in your home country where you will present your ORIGINAL passport and documents and even provide fingerprints. None of this can be done over the internet.


We manage the UK visa operation service around the world through visa sections at UK embassies, high commissions and consulates and through visa application centres run by our commercial partners VFS Global and WorldBridge Service.

The Embassy won't deal with a travel agent.


You will have to go in person to your nearest visa application centre to provide your biometrics and submit your application.

Your visa application will not be processed until you have provided the necessary biometric information.

The person contacting you is a scammer and is trying to pretend that you have to pay him for a visa, but you don't obtain a visa that way. Until you follow the proper procedure and make an application to the local UK Embassy or VAC in person you won't have to pay a fee and won't get a visa. If you have been offered a job ahead of this mail it is likely that it is part of the scam to make you think you need to get a visa.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer
by razamataz Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:37 am
thank you very much for the advice! :D
lucky that i joined here..great thing you're there!!! :=)

those liars should go to hell!!!
burn them alive!!! :evil: :twisted:
by GomerPyle Sun Oct 31, 2010 7:09 am
Yes razamataz, we feel the same way.

Life's hard enough without these scammers behaving like vultures to destroy peoples hopes and dreams with their lies and frauds.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer

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