Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:33 pm
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Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10

This is to bring to your notice that sequel to the last United Nations (UN)
General Assembly Meeting held at the Headquarters in New York, a resolution was passed that the World Body should compensate all victims of Scam and other forms of financial suffered by various people of the World. This payment is to be made by the UN through its office at Geneva, Switzerland.
The Presidents and Heads of Government of various countries of the world graciously agreed to the plea by the Head of the UN Ban Ki Moon to contribute and donate to a common fund for this purpose.

The entire list sent by the various security agencies all over the world have been harmonised and your name was among the next batch of 100 people slated to be paid the sum of $500,000 USD (Five Hundred thousand United States Dollars). This money is a little compensation from the UN as a victim of scam and other forms of financial abuse.

Get back to this office so that you will be directed on how to receive your compensation payment directly from the United Nations through the bank that the Un will use to make your payment to you in London, United Kingdom under the guidance of the British Government by its UN Ambassador Sir John Sawers.

Do send a copy of your required information to us to re-confirm and conform to the one that we already have in our database.

1.) Your Name and Address
2.) Your Country of Origin
3.) Your Age, Occupation and Telephone Number
4.) Indicate to us how much that you lost to the fraudsters
5.) The Country that was Used to defraud you
6.) Your Identification

Do send this to us so that all the needed information above so that we can direct you on how to receive your compensation as we have been directed by the UN Headquarters to make sure that you receive your compensation considering the trauma that you have gone through on account of this act.

Faithfully Yours,
Jerry Alan Stewart,

Questions about scams? fraudatiocruor @ gmail.com to contact remove spaces

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