Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by harvestreading Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:03 am
Has anyone ever done business with a lady by the name of christi Morgan. She is out of the USA. Ms morgans is the company name. There is a company profile on ec21.com

by Mac Ramses Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:19 am
Please post a link to the profile.

I am the son, begotten by Ra
by David Jansen Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:56 pm
Welcome here harvestreading.

Could you tell us a bit more about this person, or company?

Being a victim doesn't mean you stand alone. We're here to help you.
by harvestreading Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:21 pm
this is the link to her ec21 profile
by Mac Ramses Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:25 pm
  • Company: Ms. Morgan
  • Address: 7930 civic center san francisco ca United States
  • Phone: 1-415-7842300
  • Homepage: http://morgan2000.en.ec21.com
  • Contact: christi morgan
I don't like that address, it appears to be very ambiguous. Tagging the location in with the phone number we get San Rafael (Geographic number), so the next best match for an address would be:-

  • 7930 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael, CA.
Looking at the satellite view of the road in Google Maps, I'm very skeptical that this is a genuine business address at all.

Scams for bogus Apple products are rife on the internet, and personally I would only put (some) trust in a bricks and mortar shop, never an unkown person on the internet. It's too easy to loose money.

The sellers profile also says that they were established in 2000 and have an annual income of between half a million and one million dollars per year, with more than 11 employees. I laughed when I saw that, it simply isn't credible in my opinion and looks totally fake. Another point is the fact that the seller only just appeared on the B2B site in October THIS year.

Buyer Beware!

I am the son, begotten by Ra

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