Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Michelle Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:29 am
from gomez mario < [email protected] >
to [email protected]
date 9 November 2010 02:50
subject Dear Friend,
mailed-by rediffmail.com
Signed by rediffmail.com

hide details 02:50 (7 hours ago)

Dear Friend,
Best compliment of the day. I am Mr Mario Gomez, one of the rescued miners trapped in Chile few weeks ago. I am delighted to solicit for your assistance in investing the sum of $9.5Million United States dollars in your country.

The funds were discovered by me and few of my miner colleagues during the same mining operations in which we got trapped underground for months. The truth that was not revealed to the public was that we were commissioned to mine diamonds as a result of a recent discovery of traces of diamond in that area.
We discovered a huge deposit of raw diamonds which after careful examination and processing, the diamonds were valued at about $9.5 Million US dollars.
You can click on the link below or copy and paste it on your browser to read about the story:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... round.html
Please confirm acceptance of this proposal as soon as possible by indicating your collaboration with us to invest the funds in your country and details will be sent to you for official arrangements.
Our basic reasons for choosing you as our potential investor are as follows:
1) Firstly, haven gone through your profile online, we have strong belief that you have the required credibility for a transaction of this calibre.
2) We are not allowed to do any other business outside of our mining operations.
3) We do not want the diamonds to be exposed to our mining company, the Chilean government nor the media.
4) We do not know much about foreign investment as our knowledge are till date centred on mining operations only
5) We want the funds from the diamonds to be invested outside Chile for security reasons.
When we have finally established mutual understanding and co operation with you, you will be connected to our fund lawyer for further arrangements on how you will secure the Diamonds - consignment. As soon as you are in full control of the diamonds in your country, our lawyer will meet you in your country thereafter for the signing of an agreement on the partnership.

Due to the clandestine nature of the business, your sincerity and confidentiality will be highly courted and esteemed.
You will have 35% of the funds from the diamonds as your share and you will help us invest 60% in your country on profitable ventures only, while the remaining 5% will be mandated for miscellaneous expenses. Could you please send your response to my alternative email address: [email protected] as I await your urgent response?
Yours Sincerely,
Mr Mario Gomez. Santiago.

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