Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by reno419 Sun Sep 07, 2008 7:48 pm
So I receive this e-mail in my catcher account and the first thing I think is recovery scam but it doesn't seem like that. It seems legit but wanted to see others take on it. Here is the e-mail (I'm taking out the e-mail address so if anyone wants them, just pm me).
Elderly Woman loses $15,000 in Banking Scam!
An 85-year-old Windsor woman was swindled out of more than $15,000 in a phone scam that led her to believe she was helping to catch a thieving teller at her bank. The elderly lady answered a call around 9:40 a.m. and a male caller stated that he worked at her bank (but didn't supply a name of the bank) and asked the woman to assist him in catching a teller the bank suspected was stealing money.
And here is the header
X-Message-Delivery: Vj0zLjQuMDt1cz0wO2w9MDthPTA=

X-Message-Status: n:0


X-Message-Info: R00BdL5giqr6qxDf7Teh2YRMkbn6+

Received: from omta0101.mta.everyone.net ([])
by bay0-mc10-f10.bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.2668);

Thu, 4 Sep 2008 07:48:12 -0700

Received: from dm24.mta.everyone.net (sj1-slb03-gw2 [])

by omta0101.mta.everyone.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id 1923E7C385D;

Thu, 4 Sep 2008 07:48:11 -0700 (PDT)

X-Eon-Dm: dm24

Received: by resin15.mta.everyone.net (EON-PICKUP)

id resin15.48bdcdaf.e84f; Thu, 4 Sep 2008 07:48:09 -0700

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"

Message-Id: <20080904074808>

Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 07:48:08 -0700

From: "YOUR BEST FRIEND" <xxxx>

Reply-To: <xxxxx>

To: <xxxxxx>

Subject: scam and fraud alert!!!!!!!!!!!

X-Eon-Sig: AQMSO95Iv/UpgH2D8AEAAABa,0ae45db11257847855f67db2ea3595fe

X-Originating-Ip: []

Return-Path: [email protected]

X-OriginalArrivalTime: 04 Sep 2008 14:48:12.0427 (UTC) FILETIME=[414205B0:01C90E9D]

Mod edit: broke up code to fix forum blowout: Jillian

by Charles Fox Mon Sep 08, 2008 7:08 am
I think its just a warning being circulated to try and attract people to the sender's blog, rather than a scam.

I have seen that strory before, it's been doing the rounds. I googled a phrase from the email and got a real scam alert from Windsor Police


The Ip just gives a sattelite provider.

Wow! I need you and thank you for the information.


So I can close this chapter with no more fretting, right? Thanks so much for your help.

by Obi-Wan Knievel Wed Sep 10, 2008 6:18 pm
I can't see how it would work as a scam attempt, but it might be some lad's new innovative idea or something I'm unfamiliar with. I'd have to go with Charles's analysis on the intent: Some guy saying "hey look what I did". How it landed in your catcher account is interesting though, so I can see your suspicion.

Got a suspicious e-mail? Run it by The Scam Checklist to see if it's real.

by reno419 Wed Sep 10, 2008 10:23 pm
The only thing I can think of is there have been many e-mails sent that have had multiple e-mail address in the to: field. Perhaps he was sending this out as a warning.

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