Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by AlanJones Fri Apr 07, 2017 2:28 am
From: Alhaji Mohammad - [email protected]
Reply-to: [email protected]
Tel. No.: +447011120555

From; AL-Mohamed
Executive Director
Crystal Manufacturing Company Ltd.
Damascus Syria.

Dear How are you? ,

I am Al-Mohamed U.A, The Director of Crystal Manufacturin
Company Ltd Damascus Syria ..
I am writing to you based on prevailing information for you, to solicit your
assistance in helping to receive some amount of money in your country, I made
this money through my own sweat, this money is my own personal money. The
reason why I want to send this money out of this country is because of war now
in my country Syria, Formally the money was in a citizen bank in Damascus.
But during the war i managed to move the money from the bank to a security
company close to border in UK and up till now things have not normalized
and no business as we are resentfully returning back to our country and
connote leave comfortable again in this Country,
Now i have decided to send the money into your care in your country for
investment, The total amount is US$15.3 million dollars only.
I have finalized the whole necessary arrangement on how to send this money out
of this country to your country through a Diplomatic means by a courier service
company, if you are interested to do business with me then get back to me and i
will give you further details and modalities and we will discuss terms of the
Please, don't contact me through fax because we are no more in the factory. We
are still running for our lives, nothing like business in my country for now,
yoFrom; AL-Mohamed
Executive Director
Crystal Manufacturing Company Ltd.
Damascus Syria.

Dear How are you? ,

I am Al-Mohamed U.A, The Director of Crystal Manufacturin
Company Ltd Damascus Syria ..
I am writing to you based on prevailing information for you, to solicit your
assistance in helping to receive some amount of money in your country, I made
this money through my own sweat, this money is my own personal money. The
reason why I want to send this money out of this country is because of war now
in my country Syria, Formally the money was in a citizen bank in Damascus.
But during the war i managed to move the money from the bank to a security
company close to border in UK and up till now things have not normalized
and no business as we are resentfully returning back to our country and
connote leave comfortable again in this Country,
Now i have decided to send the money into your care in your country for
investment, The total amount is US$15.3 million dollars only.
I have finalized the whole necessary arrangement on how to send this money out
of this country to your country through a Diplomatic means by a courier service
company, if you are interested to do business with me then get back to me and i
will give you further details and modalities and we will discuss terms of the
Please, don't contact me through fax because we are no more in the factory. We
are still running for our lives, nothing like business in my country for now,
you can only contact me through email.or with this telephone numbers,cos since
the war me and my family have relocate to LONDON for safety..
TEL: 00447011120555
Yours truly,
Al-Mohamed U.A
Director Crystal manufacturing Company Ltd Damascus Syriau can only contact
me through email.or with this telephone numbers,cos since the war me and my
family have relocate to LONDON for safety..
TEL: 00447011120555
Yours truly,
Al-Mohamed U.A
Director Crystal manufacturing Company Ltd Damascus Syria

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

by AlanJones Fri Oct 13, 2017 1:29 am
From: Alhaji Mohammade - [email protected]
Reply-to: Alhaji Mohammade - [email protected]

Thanks so much for your understanding in this transaction. Below is another account information to make the payment..

ACCT. NUMBER; 7006031489
ADDRESS; 5th Floor Bangunan CIMB Jalan Semantan Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Forward me the payment slip as soon as the payment is done.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Fri Mar 16, 2018 1:17 am
From: Alhaji Mohammade - [email protected]
Reply-to: Alhaji Mohammade - [email protected]
Tel. No.: +447011120555

From; AL-Mohamed
Executive Director
Crystal Manufacturing Company Ltd.
Damascus Syria.

Dear How are you? ,

I am Al-Mohamed U.A, The Director of Crystal Manufacturin
Company Ltd Damascus Syria ..
I am writing to you based on prevailing information for you, to solicit your assistance in helping to receive some amount of money in your country, I made this money through my own sweat, this money is my own personal money. The reason why I want to send this money out of this country is because of war now in my country Syria, Formally the money was in a citizen bank in Damascus.
But during the war i managed to move the money from the bank to a security company close to border in UK and up till now things have not normalized
and no business as we are resentfully returning back to our country and connote leave comfortable again in this Country,
Now i have decided to send the money into your care in your country for investment, The total amount is US$15.3 million dollars only.
I have finalized the whole necessary arrangement on how to send this money out of this country to your country through a Diplomatic means by a courier service company, if you are interested to do business with me then get back to me and i will give you further details and modalities and we will discuss terms of the investment.
Please, don't contact me through fax because we are no more in the factory. We are still running for our lives, nothing like business in my country for now, you can only contact me through email: ([email protected]) .or with this telephone numbers,cos since
the war me and my family have relocate to LONDON for safety..
TEL: 00447011120555
Yours truly,
Al-Mohamed U.A
Director Crystal manufacturing Company Ltd Damascus Syria

please contact me through this email: [email protected]

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by Troy Platt Mon Feb 07, 2022 10:35 am
From: Al-Mohamed U.A <[email protected]>
Subject: Greetings,
Reply-To: <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2022 12:23:56 +0000

From; AL-Mohamed
Executive Director
Crystal Manufacturing Company Ltd.
Damascus Syria.

Dear how are you today,

I am Al-Mohamed U.A, The Director of Crystal Manufacturin
Company Ltd Damascus Syria ..
I am writing to you based on prevailing information for you, to solicit
your assistance in helping to receive some amount of money in your country,
I made this money through my own sweat, this money is my own personal
money. The reason why I want to send this money out of this country is
because of war now in my country Syria, Formally the money was in a citizen
bank in Damascus.
But during the war i managed to move the money from the bank to a security
company close to border in Turkey and up till now things have not
normalized and no business as we are resentfully returning back to our
country and connote leave comfortable again in this Country,
Now i have decided to send the money into your care in your country for
investment, The total amount is US$15.3 million dollars only.
I have finalized the whole necessary arrangement on how to send this money
out of this country to your country through a Diplomatic means by a courier
service company, if you are interested to do business with me then get back
to me and i will give you further details and modalities and we will
discuss terms of the investment.
Please, don't contact me through fax because we are no more in the factory.
We are still running for our lives, nothing like business in my country for
now, you can only contact me through email.or with this telephone
numbers,cos since the war me and my family have relocate to Malaysia for

TEL: WhatsApp number +60 11-1226 6137

Yours truly,
Al-Mohamed U.A
Director Crystal manufacturing Company Ltd Damascus Syria
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Every email I've posted is a scam. Contacting the email addresses associated with my posts may lead to a loss of money for you. Do not let the scammers know they are posted here!

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