Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by pinoyaq Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:06 pm

The only fee covered by you in this process is for obtaining the personal registration number and documents preparation payable to professional documents preparation agent. All other expenses as plane ticket, visa fees and work permission fee are covered by your potential employer. And it is much more you have to agree.

We are in no way interested to refer you to someone who will not prepare your documents, on the contrary, we are interested that your documents are fully prepared and filed with the employer, since that is the only way this application can proceed. I hope you agree that.

We would like to inform you that our procedure is c om pletely legal and it involves work permit application and work visa application. We believe we have sent you list of requirements earlier and you can read for yourself that work permit form is one of the listed items that the employer requests in order to do potential further processing of it. This should give you 100% assurance that procedure is legal and adheres to the valid legislation for hiring of a foreign worker.
1/ personal registration number in the work force office
2/ work permit application form filled with your details
3/ motivation letter
4/ CV European format

The law here in UK does not allow recruitment c om panies to charge fees fr om their applicants. We are registered in the UK Department of Labor. We are also registered for VAT, PAYE, and Income Tax. We comply with all normal labor law. Our company number is #C-2-08-3-66.
We deal with so many applicants every month in real-world situations, our legal content is constantly checked and rechecked. We are reputable company and we are providing LEGAL JOBS ONLY!!!

We are a recruitment agency with prestige and since you keep in touch with us, you will realize that. Our services has been checked and rechecked. We have placed many successful applicants to work in Europe .
What you need to check is if the procedure is legal. And our procedure is completely legal since it involves work permission and visa. This is the only legal way to start a job here in UK .

We get our profit fr om employer when you start work. This is exactly why we also want you to get this job and start working – only then we can get our remuneration for all the time, money and efforts which we have spent over your application. We hope you understand this as well.

The entire procedure consists of the following steps:
1/ prepare the required by the employer documents and send it to them
2/ as soon as employer receive it, he will apply for a work permit for you
3/ when he receives the work permit, he will send it to you along with copy of the contract and other visa support documents.
4/ you need to go to the embassy and issue your visa
5/ your departure to Ireland to start your new job.

This is the legal procedure for hiring a foreign employee here in UK . Without work permission and work visa you can not work legally here.
If you have ever applied for a job in UK , you should very well know that visas can not be issued by c om pany or person. It can only be issued by the embassy. Scam c om panies usually want money fr om you for visa. As you already know, we do not charge fees fr om our applicants.

Yours sincerely:
Technical department

by Dotti Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:35 pm
Can you please post the name and email address of this fake "company" as well as the website if you were given one?

A couple of quick points, though someone can come along later with more. I have absolutely no doubt this is a scam.

-the language alone screams scam. the English is not that of someone from the UK. It is consistent with the English of an African. The email itself is also extremely unprofessional and not what you would see from a legitimate company.
-Legitimate companies do not send lengthy emails explaining why they are legitimate. Scammers do.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by GomerPyle Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:09 pm
It would be interesting to know pinoyaq where this job is supposed to be in Ireland because there isn't actually a country by that name - it's an island with two states on it - one called Ulster and one called Eire, the one called Eire actually being a separate and different country to the UK. From the fact that the person keeps referring to the UK one might presume he must mean Ulster but if the person had the slightest clue what he was talking about he'd be a little more specific and accurate, especially as there are sensitivities over the matter.

As Dotti says, the style of that letter indicates an African origin, not Irish, and I'm 50% Irish by heritage.

.....and documents preparation payable to professional documents preparation agent.

This isn't just bad English, it's meaningless rubbish from someone who wants to sound official but hasn't a clue what to say or how to say it. He's going to ask you for money but can't even explain why accurately, not that you need to pay anyone to prepare any documents. There isn't a job and he just wants you to pay him money.

We are registered in the UK Department of Labor. We are also registered for VAT, PAYE, and Income Tax. We comply with all normal labor law. Our company number is #C-2-08-3-66.

That's not a UK Company Registration number and 'labour' isn't spelled like that in the UK and I'm not sure why he'd feel the need to mention that he pays personal income tax.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer

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