Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by daisypatch Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:22 am
I searched the web and actually found this girls name [is it a girl tho?)
very bust y person...!!

Hi Gayle,

My name is Kerry Johnson and it's nice to hear from you. I'm a 27 year old, 5'7 straight female and very much single! A very simple, easy going and quiet person to live with. I won't be able to come and view the room as am presently in South Africa where i live and working as a Training & Consultancy Manager in a firm called ( Central Mediation Services ).

My company would be responsible for all related expenses regarding my trip including my Air ticket with my subsequent rent during my stay in Australia, you can start charging my rent before my arrival i don't mind just let me know when you wish to start.

I was supposed to start my holiday last month but due to HR, my company has decided to move my six months annual leave to December So i should be arriving on or before 30th of this month.

I don't drink, may sip a little wine though if it's white and of the occasion is right, neither do I smoke but do not mind being around people who do. I'm a very fun filled vibrant young lady with an appealing and sometimes annoying sense of humor, and I love to laugh, I take my best feature to be my teeth !.

I love traveling and I have a done a lot lately in my career as a mediation to expand beyond simply a process for resolving disputes. Been to England, Seychelles, Italy, France and I narrowly missed out onNew York. I'm originally from South Africa and most of families still live in Cape Town.

I have an aunt in New Zealand too but this is my first time in Australia,I will be staying for 6 month . I love sports, a very enthusiastic cricket fan and what's more I enjoy meeting people.
Am o.k with the price of the room and i would make a month payment of ($400) but the bond will be paid upon my arrival if its require before i move into the room, you will have to wait for me to have my update my account officer with the price of the room in order for my first month rent to be issue out to you cause my company would be responsible for my trip including my accommodation throughout my stay.

In the meantime, I need you to provide me with the details below as the information will be used to issued out a cheque in your favor for my first month rent and have it posted to your address immediately the payment is approved.

1. Full name to be written on cheque:

2. Your Postal Address :

3. Suburb Name:

4. City:

5. Post code:

6. Country:

7. Your contact telephone number (Home & Mobile):

Thanks and hope to read back from you again, also it would be nice if you can tell me more about yourself like your age, sex and your proffession. do have a lovely and pleasant day ahead while i expect to read from you again..!


by Bubbles Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:58 am
Welcome to ScamWarners daisypatch!. :D

Did you have a room or apartment for rent and that is why they contacted you? What email address did they send this to you from. That will help others find the scam too.

This looks like what is often used by rent scammers. They actually over pay for the rent and then ask you to send the difference to them by Western Union or MoneyGram. The check is counterfeit and you don't find out until you have sent them money.

One thing you can do it put this part of the letter into a search engine:
My name is Kerry Johnson and it's nice to hear from you. I'm a 27 year old, 5'7 straight female and very much single! A very simple, easy going and quiet person to live with. I won't be able to come and view the room as am presently in South Africa where i live and working as a Training & Consultancy Manager in a firm called ( Central Mediation Services ).

The following thread is exactly like what you received. viewtopic.php?f=39&p=41808

Once I see that you have read this reply I will move your inquiry to the thread listed above.

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.
by GomerPyle Thu Dec 09, 2010 3:42 am
My company would be responsible for all related expenses regarding my trip including my Air ticket with my subsequent rent during my stay in Australia, you can start charging my rent before my arrival i don't mind just let me know when you wish to start.

I was supposed to start my holiday last month but due to HR, my company has decided to move my six months annual leave to December So i should be arriving on or before 30th of this month.

It sounds very suspicious.

Firstly you have been given a whole pile of irrelevant information I doubt you asked for, because scammers set up a biography for their scam personna that they believe makes them sound plausible. In reality they are clueless and have just copied it from a pal who claims to know better. I don't imagine you especially required a renter with good teeth. More seriously the story about her company and annual leave sounds just a little too much like a story.

Six months annual leave ? - lucky girl :D

Annual leave ? - company paying the bills ? (not on my planet).

Companies nowadays wouldn't pay rental on an unoccupied property - if they ever did.

As the company are paying (she claims), she must be doing work in Australia and so must have someone who can vouch for her locally. Why not offer to forego any security deposit if she supplies contact details for that company. Then you can check out the company. She's opened the door to that and you're offering her something for info she shouldn't have any trouble supplying, if she's telling the truth.

Sounds very much like a standard cheque scam.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer
by daisypatch Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:51 pm
The email address that was used by this so called Kerry Johnson was [email protected] I note that the previous email used was [email protected]
There was also a text sent to me from a UK mobile and is as follows 07785016005 which I received on 07/12/2010
I emailed back asking for conformation but to date no reply..yes it is the same letter to all except it has Dear....to who ever name they are sending the letter to.
I advertised a room to rent...


by Bubbles Fri Dec 10, 2010 1:40 am
Thank you for the reply Daisypatch. I am going to leave this as a stand alone topic since the scammer used a different email address. It is not un-common for scammers to use email addresses with numbers attached to them so that if an account encounters a problem the victim will not notice the change.

I am glad that you recognize this as story and as GomerPyle says above, there is almost always information you did not ask for.

I did some checking and it looks like the phone number that the text came from is the Vodaphone message center. When a message is sent from abroad it comes through as that number. You may have a charge for that message.

Your best bet is to cease communication with this scammer. Nothing positive will come of it. Just tell them that the room is rented now and not available. They should go away. Thank you for reporting the scam.

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.

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