Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Justin Wed Dec 15, 2010 4:39 pm
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From: "Alegens Emmanuel" <[email protected]>
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I am Mr. Alegens Emmanuel; I am the managing director of Barclays bank, Ghana.
In October 2008, my client a German property consultant and importer of used
cars, Mr. Andreas Schranner made a numbered time fixed Deposit for twelve
calendar months, valued at US$4.5 (Four Million five hundred thousand United
States Dollars only) with Barclays bank of Ghana. It was to our utter surprise
that we heard of his death, wife and children in an AF4590 plane crash in July
2009. My bank investigations unit revealed no survival -no NEXT OF KIN
/RELATIONS for claims as they have long been expecting someone to forward
applications for claims as it applies to their banking regulations.

Information / Verifications from reliable sources confirmed that his supposed
NEXT OF KIN died with him in the crash. However, I keep this information
(SECRET) confidential within my office to enable me submit claims and transfer
this fund through a trustworthy person whom I shall use as the BONAFIDE NEXT
OF KIN. I will want to use you as the trustworthy person who I can use as the
next of kin so that I can be able to get those money transferred to you and
thereafter we share the money among ourselves, because if I do not do this,
this whole money will all turn into government funds which is not suppose to
be so.

I know maybe you will be asking yourself how this can be possible, it is very
much possible because we are going to obtain all the necessary documents
covering the total money to your name as the foreign beneficiary or the next
of kin, so you have no fear whatsoever if this a kind of fraud but this has
nothing to do with fraud.
I await your urgent reply so that we can be able to proceed from there with
the transaction. When replying please provide me with the below information:

Full name:
Direct phone number:

You can send your reply to my email address below:
[email protected]

Best Regards,
Mr. Alegens Emmanuel
Managing director, Barclays Bank, Ghana


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