Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
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I am Charles Muna Dutoit, from Sierra Leone. I am writing you from Rep of Cote d'Ivoire where we have been taking refuge after the brutal war and murder of our parents by the rebels during the renewed fighting in our country.

Because of the war our late Father sold his shipping company and took us to a nearby country Cote d'Ivoire where he deposited US$10, 300, 000.00 Million in his foreign account with one of the bank here in Cote 'Ivoire.Please, I got your Contact from researching the net and due to the current political situation in Ivory Coast i am seeking for your assistance to transfer this Money to good investment Project in your country and also relocate to your country with my younger sister Sussan to further our study.

Please for your good information this is no way connected with any illegal transaction.If your willing to help us please contact us with your information, your telephone number,your occupation,so that we will proceed to the bank for the registration and introduction of your name as our late father's foreign partner who wants to help us secure our inheritance in your account so that the bank will recognised you and advice us what to do to enable them transfer the money to your account for investment project.

Please help us to get out of this terrible situation and our Almighty God will bless you,awaiting your kind response.

Best Regards,

Charles/Sussan Dutoit

Street Address: Bp.011 Abidjan 01
Refugee Camp.
Cote D'Ivoire

+225 554 866 15

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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