Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:59 pm
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Subject: I Need Your Attention Pls.
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Pls, I need your kind urgent attention! I am reaching you with faith to solicit
for your kind assistance to help me achieve good plan for investment in your
country, I inherited the sum of $16.7 Million Dollars, from my late parents
which I want to transfer into your safe account. This money which I inherited
from my late parents, I want to use it for investment in your country, and also
want you to help me come over to your country after the successful transfer to
your account, I am contacting you for an investment purpose which I will highly
need your full assistance.

I will like to establish a good relationship with you which I am desecrate in
need of your Kind help to achieve this effort. I am the only son of my late
father, Chief Brendan O.Jefett. My late father was a Gold and Precious Stones
Marchant/Real State when he was Alive, He was poisoned to death by his brothers
because of land dispute, and my late mother died last 3 months ago after
suffered kidney surgical operation here. When she was on hospital bed before her
painful death, she advised me to seek for a foreign assistance that will help me
to receive this money, and for me to leave Africa, you will help me and put this
money into good investments with fear of God as I do not have much idea or good
knowledge to manage the big money.

I am Sierra Leone National, I will be very happy if you can be willing to help
me Accomplish this plan as I have decided to leave from Africa and come to your
country and resettle for this investment plan and my security for my better
future and also to further my education while you will be managing the business
on my behalf. So please kindly indicate your interest while I will appreciate to
feed you with more information on your response to help me. I will like to offer
you 25% of the money for your kind assistance. If interested to help please
contact me through my private email address at ( [email protected] ) for
more information's.

Anxiously waiting for your interesting reply!
Best Regards.
Austin D. Brenda.

Questions about scams? fraudatiocruor @ gmail.com to contact remove spaces

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