This is the information about their domain name:
Reverse Whois: "Citto Bay Ltd."
Registrar History: 1 registrar
NS History: 1 change on 2 unique name servers over 1 year.
IP History: 3 changes on 2 unique name servers over 1 years.
Whois History: 13 records have been archived since 2010-11-16 .
created: 15-Nov-2010
last-changed: 03-Dec-2010
registration-expiration: 15-Nov-2011
registrant-firstname: Martin K.
registrant-lastname: Citto
registrant-organization: Citto Bay Ltd.
registrant-street1: 1990 Main St
registrant-street2: Suite 305
registrant-pcode: 34236
registrant-state: FL
registrant-city: Sarasota
registrant-ccode: US
registrant-phone: +1.9413127557
registrant-fax: +1.9413127557
admin-c-firstname: Sandra
admin-c-lastname: Burton
admin-c-organization: Citto Bay Ltd. UK Office
admin-c-street1: 120 Wolseley Road
admin-c-pcode: PL5 2AW
admin-c-city: Plymouth
admin-c-ccode: GB
admin-c-phone: +1.9413127557
admin-c-fax: +1.9413127557
tech-c-firstname: Hostmaster
tech-c-lastname: ONEANDONE
tech-c-organization: 1&1 Internet Inc.
tech-c-street1: 701 Lee Rd.
tech-c-street2: Suite 300
tech-c-pcode: 19087
tech-c-state: PA
tech-c-city: Chesterbrook
tech-c-ccode: US
tech-c-phone: +1.8774612631
tech-c-fax: +1.6105601501
bill-c-firstname: Hostmaster
bill-c-lastname: ONEANDONE
bill-c-organization: 1&1 Internet Inc.
bill-c-street1: 701 Lee Rd.
bill-c-street2: Suite 300
bill-c-pcode: 19087
bill-c-state: PA
bill-c-city: Chesterbrook
bill-c-ccode: US
bill-c-phone: +1.8774612631
bill-c-fax: +1.6105601501
The site was created on November 15, 2010. It has not history and this is often the key to a scam site. They only bought the domain name for a year. So to make this kind of statement on the reference you cite is a huge exaggeration.
Message from CittoBay Ltd. is a leading online store committed to becoming the best reliable marketplace on the net by offering superior customer services, worldwide shipping and wide products selection. CittoBay offers both retail and wholesale service for individuals and businesses of all size. With a wide selection of products at a low price, we get customers? loyalty and build long-standing business relationship. In addition, we also have the drop ship service for retailers on the net. CittoBay is the best source for everything you want.
This is too dodgy for me to feel any comfort in dealing with it.
Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.
Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.
Gone, but never forgotten.