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From: Congregation religieuse Des femmes et enfants battus <[email protected]>
Subject: ONG Religious Doctors for Orphans and Stripped Women of Africa
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Republic of Ivory Coast


ONG Religious Doctors for Orphans

& stripped women of Africa

Dear Sir,

We come by the present letter to solicit near your famous person and establishment obtaining, of financial aid, physics that material in the performance of our duty as an Governmental organization.

ONG Religious Doctors for Orphans and Stripped Women of Africa, working for the wellbeing of humanity without reference to race nor of religion, is a structure with no lucrative goal, based in West Africa and working in partnership with certain religious congregations, of the medical structures and others of Africa.

We ONG Medicine Religious for Orphans and Stripped Women of Africa at the same time of you address this letter for the request for assistance physical, financial that material would like to also benefit from this address in your connection to subject occasion consequently to you a request for partnership who will consist in representing you consequently occasion you and your structure.

We would like to explain here that our ONG which is made autonomous and alive its own resources with need for your assistance to help these women and children touched since the beginning of the war that knows the Ivory Coast say since the year 2002 to believe not only the taste of living but also believing in the future!

Because what is binding on us and these people is very delicate moment or we miss natural resources that financial to contain all these people who do not cease flowing in our center since the end of the electoral second round who sees the capacity to confiscate by the Outgoing president but at the same time the high cost of living and the funds which are in disappearance at certain capitalizations which have just cut their assistances in our favor!

Then we fear and let us not please make live the same martyrdom as life the Haitian people in his cholera epidemic and others….

Then can the Saint Spirit can take you along to come to our assistance without turning and without preliminary obligation causes for which we would like that you forward to us the assistance that you believe just who will be able to help us to occupy us of this community of anybody who believes in us and sees a new life, because the risk which threatens our country is so large that sedentary measurements must be taken by our structure as of now and with your assistance without fault!

VERY IMPORTANT: In the performance of our duty which is that of going in assistance to these stripped populations, we are also to enter in possession of two (2) trunks to close which was addressed to Office of the High Commission of the Refugees by the European Union in collaboration with the Red Cross of Ivory Coast to the medical and nutritional field containing an amount of 20.000.000 Euros with tickets sowings finished of 50 Euros sealed in the name of the HCR.

For work that we make as monk but a also man of medicine, we would like that you can if your assistance is not preliminary, help us to return capacity (Tickets) out of matter finished so that we take possession of it and that this sum is to exploit for the assistance to these populations!

VERY IMPORTANT 2: The source and the acquisition of these trunks are without fear and without muddle and reliable cause for which we would like to reassure you at 100% as a man of God, as it is important as with your agreement to help us to return this money this gift in finished ticket we say would like that you can ensure us of a percentage who will be able also to allow you to return in contact of your funds as soon as the finished operation!

VERY URGENT: Your answer is sincerely hoped in the hours which follow because he very important to stress you that we miss water, of food and drugs of first needs, then privileged this help so that we can with yours achieve not only our duty of monk but at the same time of man of medicine, thus God the Powerful Whole blesses you for that and with the desire to read you of so early!

Pasteur Doctor

Sir Richard AKRE

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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