Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Susimac Sun Jan 09, 2011 3:49 pm
I think I'm being scammed, I have had lots of emails and msn messages from a Sergeant Gregory Carson Jordan who was posted out to Afghanistan on Boxing Day- lots and lots of pictures too. We have been communicating for about 6 weeks
Most of the time its very very believable, but I have this fear that I am being scammed and I feel very stupid even more so as I have emailed a scanned copy of my passprt and driving licence (I live in the UK) I met him on an internet dating site - Friends Reunited dating - Now I am really really worried about sending this info.

You might ask why is an intelligent 50 something stupid enough to do that - well it was because we were wanting to text each other and I had to go through the military logistics log book (I have kept all emails) and had to send it to a different email address this was so he could have authority and receive a sim card for us to text, then I found out I had to pay for the top up voucher which I stupidly did but it was only for £10 and I did it through O2 officially, since then he has told me that his friend Paul has told him that we could actually get access to talk and I had a different email address to write to to apply and then today I recived an email from that address which is [email protected] I really don't know if any of this is genuine at all. This emails states that I will be contacted with the different subscription proces etc this has made me very very suspicious and my gut instinct is telling me that I am being scammed, but my biggest worry is that I sent the scanned copy of my passport and drivers license.

Please help - advise me.

by Arnold Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:10 pm
Welcome to Scamwarners.
I'm sorry to have to tell you that you are right. It is definitely a scam. There is more about this particular scam here at viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6529
It isn't a matter of stupidity. These people are very good at what they do, and unlike some others, you did spot it as a possible scam.
The scammer may well use your driving licence and passport to try and scam other people, but that won't affect you directly.

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