by Ryan Hains
Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:46 pm
Martins George [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Dear Friend
During our operation, with the Third infantry Division in Iraq, I and my superior moved part of discovered funds belonging to fleeing regime leaders in Iraq, the total amount is $50,000,000.00 US dollars. This money is being kept safe in a secured location we would disclose to you later.You can go through this web link to understand events that took place in Iraq.
Basically, since we are in government service and we are not allowed to have or keep discovered looted funds around us, we have decided to look for someone to help us relocate
and keep this funds for us, that is why I have contacted you, so that you can keep it for us in your safe account or custody until we complete our foreign service in Iraq. You will take30%, while 70% will be for me and my partner.This business is confidential, and it should not be discussed with anyone.
There is no risk involved whatsoever as it is only me and my partner that knows the present location of the money. If you are interested I will send your YOUR PHYSICAL ADDRESS, YOUR FULL NAMES,YOUR OCCUPATION, YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBERS AND FAX,YOUR MARITAL STATUS AND AGE.YOUR ADDRESS.
Warmest Regards.
Martins George