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by Obi-Wan Knievel Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:19 pm
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 21:46:58 +0100
From: "Daniel Peter Daniel Peter" [email protected]

Dear Daniel,

I am compelled yet again to give you the details of the Deposit of YOSSI BEANAYOUN,AND GOLAN BENAYOUN,both men are relatives,and natives of Israel respectively.

Before their demise,Yossi had approached me with clear details of the Trunks deposited with Fabrica Nacionale,containing the sum of SEVEN HUNDRED MILLION USD.

His(Yossi)intentions was to Lodge the Funds in our Bank at that time,and in the course of my trying to figure out a way,to possibly bypass,certain "conditions"resulting from post 9/11 initiative,the news of their death came to me.

The only known relative,I believe also is the Officer that was kidnapped by Hezbollah,I am not exactly sure if you were following the events of the Kidnap at that time,anyhow,he was the Officer,named after his Father,Yossi,who's remains,has just been returned back a few weeks ago,in the PRISONERS SWAP DEAL Israel had with.Hezbollah.

I have also contacted an Elderly,man,who is also a relative of the Banyouns,even though he is not the next of kin,as stated in the certificate of deposited with Fabrica Nacionale,he has given me his blessings,to proceed with the claims of the Deposit.

And this is where you come in,but before we proceed,I need for you and I to come to a reasonable understanding,of what our "intentions"will be,after the Funds reach us at the Bank.

I am under obligation to the Elderly man Benayoun Ismael,to build a Foundation in the name of Yossi Benayoun,as final respect,and,also to put in place infrastrutures,under which the less privilege,can benefit.

I will forward you the details,of the comapny holding the Trunks,Fabrica Nacionale,after I have had the last discussions with the gentleman in Isreal.

The part you and I are to play,is a very simple one,and when I have resolved other matters,within the Bank,relating to documents,I will then be able to give you the exact modality.on how we can proceed to file for the claims of the deposit.

Please Get Back To Me as quick as Posible on My Telephone Number as follows

Tel: 00-44-2088199-374.

Await Your Urgent Response


Daniel Peter.


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