Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Obi-Wan Knievel Wed Oct 22, 2008 12:53 am
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 08:15:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: Miranda Lawson <lawson>
Subject: Dear Friend Pls Help Me

You can now email me at: [email protected]

- Dear Friend.Please I sincerely ask for your apology to intrude into your private life.I am MirandaLawson.bornin 1990,The Only Daughter of my late parents Mr and Mrs Lawson. I will like to brief you littleaboutmy family and what led me to contact you.My father was an oil engineer with Agip Petrolum Company in all through his life time. He left home on 6th september 2001 to meet his partner in united states of America for a proposed project.While in united states he was calling me and my mother on phone.But after september 11th he stoped calling us.On hearing the horrible terrorist attack on that same 11th sept,me and my mother called the telephone number it was switched off,we quickly dailed the partner's telephone line and it was not going through too. When my mother learnt he could be among the victims of the horrible terrorist attacked,she had a stroke that finaly led to her death on 6 january 2004. As God Almighty may have it,recently I got a parcel in my father's post office address and from my father's bank informing me to come and make claims of 10.3 million united states dollars plus annual interest of 4.290 deposited for the purpose of extablishing an oil extractong company with his partner in united states. Which I assumed he went to conclude with his partner in united states before he met his death. Since the money was jointly deposited with my father and his partner,the bank requested me and my father's partner to come and sign for the release of the money.I will mostly appreciate your kind interest to represent my father's partner to sign for the release of the money as you bears the same name with him as a foreigner. You will be handsomely rewarded with good percent of the total money for your assistance. I am waiting to receive your anwser.Remain blesssed.Miranda Lawson.Reply through my alternating box [email protected]

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