by abell0823
Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:22 am
I recently posted an item on Craigslist trying to sell some jewelry. A few days later i was contacted through yahoo messenger by (Charlse Mathebula) asking if i would like a job. After a few minutes of conversation, I learned that I would be printing and mailing checks from one company to their employees. He claimed to be part of the Nielsen Company ( He told me I would be paid $1500 a month. I was told to contact him through ([email protected]). I was told to purchase the VersaCheck Gold 2012 Software to begin printing the checks and I would be reimbursed when i get paid at the end of the month. I purchased this through amazon. i have not been asked for any of my information which was seeming a little odd to me. I have NOT given him any money but i have bought the software. I trained one day and then the next day he had me print and mail off checks, all to different people in different parts of the country. I mailed 8 checks total. He gave the the account number and name of a bank in Pennsylvania YET he claims to be in NY. I am worried that this is a scam bc he has not given me any information about himself. Today i filled out an employee form that i and to scan an email to him. All of the contact information on the form for the company matches up except for the email ([email protected]) and phone number (909-233-6351). On the Nielsen website every contact email ends in ( We have been communicating through yahoo messenger which is very odd to me. I also looked on the Better Business Bureau website and found that the Nielsen Compant is A+ accredited BUT under the list of known company names, Nielsen Ltd. is not listed. Here is the url of that info ( ... -ny-17566/). I am not out very much money but I would like to be sure this is not a scam before i put out anymore. If anyone could give me any information on this it would be very much appreciated. I know that the Nielsen Company is legitimate but I am worried this person is posing as an employee when he is not really one. Also if you believe this is a scam could you give me some advice on what actions to take and so on. Thanks for your help.